ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
710 | High-Quality protein maize | Maize plant breeding cereals oats barley protein | book |
1933 | High-yielding anthracnose-resistant Stylosanthes for agricultural systems. | Stylosanthes forage legume cattle production germplasm cultivar biology epidemiology Colletotrichum gloeosporioides risk mapping yield losses dispersal seed production leaf meal Asia Africa Australia India Brazil China Colombia | Chakraborty, S. (ed.) |
book | aciar monograph no. 111 |
705 | High-yielding corn varieties and hybrids | Philippines High yielding varieties Zea mays corn weed control fertilization | Pamplona, P.P. |
book | pcarrd technology v.15(2) |
1826 | Higher education and human resource development in the Asia-Pacific for the 21st century: A world congress [Compendium of papers]. | universities higher education human resource development information technology financing | book |
3112 | Higher education in agriculture: Trends, prospects, and policy directions. | higher education; employment; supply and demand; graduates; human resources; AFNR | book |
595 | Highlights 90 | Cocos nucifera Zea mays Fibre crops Fruit crops Legumes Oryza sativa Triticum Cereal crops Root crops Livestock Forestry Engineering Farming systems Soil resources Water resources Technology transfer Information dissemination | book |
597 | Highlights from the Philippine Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Research and Development Network, 1987. Summary Proceedings of the 1987 Regional Integrated Review 2 April - 18 July 1987 | technologies crops farm resources fisheries forestry livestock | book |
596 | Highlights from the Philippine Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Research and Development Network, 1988 : Summary proceedings of the 1988 regional integrated review 13 April | fiber crops coconut corn root Crops legumes rice vegetable crops forestry livestock farm resources technologies | book |
528 | Highlights of a policy dialogue: future challenges for national agricultural research | Research Public research Research support Management Research policies government research | book |
1258 | Highlights of the 2nd Regional Research and Development Symposium 1990. | technology agricultural engineering agro-livestock crops socio-economics farming systems farm resources | book |