ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13744 | ICT in agriculture: Connecting smallholders to knowledge, networks, and institutions | information and communication technologies; agricultural development; innovation; telecommunications; rural development; gender; crop; livestock; fishery; productivity; precision farming; digital tools; agricultural knowledge; information systems; financial services; farmer organizations; agricultural risk management; global markets; global challenges; food safety; smallholders; governance; institutions; land administration and management; forest governance; remote sensing; sustainable agriculture | book |
13882 | ICT uses for inclusive agricultural value chains | ICT; information services; crisis management; financial risk management; inclusive agricultural value chain; production system management; market access; financial inclusion; information services; mobile phone | Miller, Calvin; Saroja, V.N.; Linder, Chris |
book |
15124 | ICTs for precision agriculture focusing on rice production in the Asian and Pacific Region | rice production; precision agriculture; ICT; Korea; Japan; Taiwan; Philippines; Malaysia; Vietnam, Thailand; Asia | Akira Hasebe; Zolkafli Bin Aris (ed.) |
book |
2389 | Ideas for local action in water management. | water resource planning water saving water quality clean-up programs water management capacity building water networks | Van Ittersum, Marten; van Steenbergen, Frank |
book |
446 | Identification of plant viruses methods and experiment | contamination plant virus spectrophotometry nematode transmission grafting virus strains dry weight determination | Noordam, D. |
book |
3098 | Identification of stable resistance soybean rust for South America. | Phakopsora pachyrhizi pathogenicity pathogenic races rust populations gene characterization | Hajime Akamatsu; Naoki Yamanaka; Kazuhiro Suenaga |
book | jircas working report no.81 |
1538 | IGES policy dialogues toward sustainable forest management in Asia-Pacific region. | Forest management forest conservation sustainability | Hyakumura, Kimihiko (ed.) |
book |
1539 | IGES policy recommendations on forest conservation in the Asia-Pacific. | Forest conservation policies forest management | Nanang, Martinus (ed.) |
book |
1507 | Illustrated guide to integrated pest management in rice in tropical Asia. | rice pests of plants insect pests growth stages plant diseases weeds weed control rats cultural control resistant varieties natural enemies pesticides integrated pest management | Reissig, W.H. |
book |
2867 | Illustrated keys to adult flies of forensic importance in Malaysia. | forensic entomology collection preservation packaging specimens decomposition flies | Nazni, W.A.; Jeffery J.; Heo, C.C.; Chew, W.K.; Lee, H.L. |
book | bulletin no. 25 |