ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1745 | Impact of land utilization systems on agricultural productivity. | land use planning sustainable agriculture development plan land consolidation agricultural productivity | book |
1579 | Impact of public- and private-sector maize breeding research in Asia, 1966-1997/98 | China India Indonesia Nepal Philippines Thailand Vietnam Asia agricultural development economic analysis private sector public sector seed industry Zea Mays maize germplasm plant breeding research projects developing countries Development Economics and Policies : Plant Genetics and Breeding | book |
2102 | Impact of rice research : Proceedings of the International Conference on the Impact of Rice Research, 3-5 Jun 1996, Bangkok, Thailand. | rice research varietal improvement germplasm water and irrigation policy technologies pests pesticides integrated pest management training program | Pingali, Prabhu L.; Hossain, Mahabub (eds.) |
book |
1550 | Impact of the changing economy on small farmers in Asia and the Pacific | Bangladesh China Fiji India Indonesia Iran Korea Malaysia Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam economy farmers policies economic changes small farmers | book |
2844 | Impact of watershed development in low rainfall region of Maharashtra: A case study of Shekta watershed. | watershed development crop diversification poverty income distribution investment impact assessment | Sreedevi, T.K.; Wani, S.P.; Sudi, R.; Deshmukh, H.K.; Singh, S.N.; D'souza, M. |
book | global theme on agroecosystems report no. 49 |
2848 | Impact of watershed program and conditions for success: A meta-analysis approach. | watershed benefits rainfall people's participation | Joshi, P.K.; Jha, A.K.; Wani, S.P.; Sreedevi, T.K.; Shaheen, F.A. |
book | global theme on agroecosystems report no. 46 |
1839 | Impact on a changing world: Program Report 1997-98. | potato sweetpotato late blight Phytophthora infestans integrated pest management bacterial wilt natural enemies viroses | book |
13933 | Impacts of climate change on rural livelihoods in CIRDAP member countries | climate change; temperature; rainfall; flood; natural disasters; droughts; coastal and river erosion; landslide; salinity; soil quality; rural livelihood; poverty; health; education; agriculture; governance; migration; rural development; Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Fiji; India; Indonesia; Islamic Republic of Iran: Lao PDR; Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vietnam | book | rural development report 2017 |
15821 | Impacts of cyclone Nargis on livelihood, food security and the agriculture sector in Myanmar | agriculture sector; damages; food security; livelihood; cyclone; losses | Khin Oo; Theingi Myint |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2010-1 |
2286 | Impacts of dykes on wetland values in Vietnam's Mekong Delta: A case study in the plain of reeds. | dykes wetland conservation wetland management impacts rice Vietnam | Thang Nam Do |
book | research report no. 2007-rr1 |