List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1458 Illustrated Philippine fungi. mycology fungi species Philippines

Quimio, Tricita H.

book techguide series no.24

13187 Impact management of weather systems on tilapia cage aquaculture climate map; Modified Coronas Classification; tilapia production; cage farming habitat; pen farming habitat; weather system; aquaculture; farm; emergency response; adverse weather book bfar aquaculture technology bulletin series 2

13186 Impact management of weather systems on tilapia pond aquaculture climate map; Modified Coronas Classification; tilapia production; weather system; farming; pond habitat; emergency response; weather; Philippines book bfar aquaculture technology bulletin series 1

1552 Impact of agricultural practices on environmental sustainability in Asia Bangladesh China India Indonesia Iran Korea Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Agricultural practices environmental sustainability government policies farming practices agricultural technologies sustainable agriculture book

15548 Impact of climate and land-use changes on water quality - SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph 3 climate change; land use change; water quality; groundwater quality

Ahmad Zaharin Aris


15850 Impact of climate change on aquaculture in Phu Vang District, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam aquaculture; climate change; Vietnam

Mac Nhu Binh; Le Van An; Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy; Ngo Thi Huong Giang; Ho Thi Thu Hoai; Truong Van Dan

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2016-3

15907 Impact of COVID-19 on education workers and union responses COVID 19; education workers; school unions; government; DOLE; Philippines

Prudente, Josephine E.; Velasco, Benjamin B.

book up cids discussion paper 2022-08

3025 Impact of eco-labelling on Indonesia's smallholder coffee farmers. coffee farming eco-labelling smallholder arabica coffee robusta coffee cooperatives profitability analysis

Nuva; Yusif; Nia Kurniawati H.; Hanna


2869 Impact of globalization on rural development in Afro-Asian countries : Report of the international workshop held at Islamabad, Pakistan, 7-13 January 2012. rural development globalization gender mainstreaming sustainable livelihood integrated multi-purpose cooperative book

2784 Impact of high food prices in Cambodia - Survey report. prices food consumption food security household coping strategies food supply book