List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1042 Impacts of El Niño on Philippine Fisheries El niño fisheries seaweed culture fishpond production reservoir fisheries tuna stocks pelagic species fisheries industry impact assessment Philippines book pcamrd book series no. 27

745 Impacts of International Wheat Breeding Research in the Developing World, 1966-1990 Wheats Plant breeding Research Economic analysis Germplasm CIMMYT Developing countries

Byerlee, Derek; Moya, P.


1442 Impacts of unit pricing of solid waste collection and disposal in Olongapo City, Philippines. waste management waste minimization solid waste management pricing costs non-recyclable wastes socio-economics economic aspects Philippines

Bennagen, ME.C.

book eepsea research reports 2004-rr4

2203 Imperata grassland rehabilitation using agroforestry and assisted natural regeneration. Imperata grassland rehabilitation fire protection assessment fire prevention community education soil erosion contour planting fallows leguminous cover crops intercropping natural regeneration livestock tree plantations multistory agroforestry

Friday, Kathleen S.; Elmo Drilling, M.; Garrity, Dennis P.


2483 Imperata management for smallholders: An extensionists guide to rational imperata management for smallholders. imperata cultivation herbicides biological control intercropping legume cover crops book

2244 Implementation and promotion of an IPM strategy for control of eggplant fruit and shoot borer in South Asia. integrated pest management eggplant pests of plants eggplant fruit and shoot borer sex pheromone mating promotion

Alam, S.N.; Hossain, M.I.; Rouf, F.M.A.; Jhala, R.C.; Patel, M.G.; Rath, L.K.; Sengupta, A.

book technical bulletin no. 36

16125 Implementation issues in weather index-based insurance for agricultural production: A Philippine case study rice production; crop production; climate change; weather Index-based Insurance

Lansigan, Felino P.


940 Implementation manual for participatory ISF projects. Philippines social forestry model farm development team building farmers organization organization building land tenure book

15450 Implementing conduct of GCED programme Global Citizenship Education; Education for international understanding; best practices

Kim Kwang-Hyun; Kim Ahhyeon; Kim Jiwon (eds.)

book eiu best practices series no. 61

1926 Implementing rules and regulations pursuant to Republic Act 8435 : The Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 and Republic Act 8550 - The Fisheries Code of 1998. rules and regulations fisheries development zones credit irrigation agriculture marketing support service infrastructure consumer safety human resource development research and development extension services rural industrialization industry dispersal program municipal fisheries commercial fisheries aquaculture postharvest facilities sanctuaries penalties Philippines book