ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
831 | Improved vegetable production in Asia | plant production vegetables breeding biotechnology seed production varietal improvement postharvest technology onion vegetable industry weed control verticulture heat tolerance Thailand Philippines Taiwan East Caribbean | book | fftc book series no.36 |
579 | Improvement of agricultural statistics in Asia and the Pacific | agricultural production statistics rural development survey | book |
671 | Improvement of farm-level infrastructures | infrastructures policies farmers organization participatory management | book |
13148 | Improvement of utilization techniques of forest resources to promote sustainable forestry in Thailand | biomass; carbon stock; teak plantations; seedling; sandy soil; perlite; soil improvement; growth performance; yield prediction; coppicing; teak; Tectona grandis; farm plantation management; Thailand | book | jircas working report no. 85 |
2513 | Improving agricultural productivity in rice-based systems of the High Barind Tract of Bangladesh. | rice production direct seeding weed management chickpea rabi cropping Bangladesh | Riches, C.R.; Harris, D.; Johnson, D.E.; Hardy, B. (eds.) |
book |
170 | Improving agricultural structure in Asia and the Pacific | agricultural structure agricultural development land reform agrarian reform marketing organization Indonesia Philippines Thailand | book |
1401 | Improving air quality in Chinese cities by substituting natural gas for coal: Barriers and incentive policies. | air pollution health hazards gas coal air pollution natural gas | Mao Xianqiang; Guo Xiurui |
book | eepsea research reports 2001-rr14 |
13876 | Improving diets in an era of food market transformation: Challenges and opportunities for engagement between the public and private sectors | diet; food systems; food markets; food processing; government; nutrition | book | policy brief no. 11 |
355 | Improving domestic resource mobilization through financial development: Nepal | financial development resource mobilization savings Nepal | Lames, W.; Quibria, M.G. |
book |
13611 | Improving health sector performance: Institutions, motivations and incentives - The Cambodia Dialogue | public health; community health services; primary health care; social health insurance; rural health service; health workers; incentives; Cambodia | book |