ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1267 | Integrated agriculture-aquaculture farming systems. | integrated farming goat-fish integrated farming rice-fish culture fish-crop-livestock farming | Garcia, Manuel P. Jr. |
book | pcamrd book series no.15/1993 |
1142 | Integrated Area Rapid Environmental Profiling Technique | environmental resources resource management | Sajise, Percy E.; Cardenas, M.L. |
book |
581 | Integrated assessment report: R and D requirements, capability and performance of selected NARRDN institutions : Toward rationalization of PCARRD-NARRDN. | research and development project outputs human resources | Reyes, Jaine C. |
book |
890 | Integrated control of plant virus diseases | plant virus diseases biological control papaya ringspot virus sugarcane citrus virus Taiwan | Hong-Ji Su; Yau-I Chu (eds.) |
book | 1991 fftc supplement no.1 |
2349 | Integrated ecosystem and water resources management of the Lancang (upper-Mekong) River Basin: A pilot research in Fengqing and Xiaojie Catchments : Integrated watershed management (Integrattion Report). | integrated watershed management catchments maps | Douven, Wim; Chenglin, Dang; Mingchun, Peng; Chongyun, Wang |
book |
2350 | Integrated ecosystem and water resources management of the Lancang (upper-Mekong) River Basin: A pilot research in Fengqing and Xiaojie Catchments : Water resources; Forest and agricultural ecosystems functioning; Soil erosion; Landslides. | water resources forest and agricultural ecosystems soil erosion landslides catchments precipitation evaporation surface water resources groundwater resources sediments river water quality water quality assessment | book |
2677 | Integrated environment and natural resources research, development and extension framework, 2011-2016. | forest resources watersheds protected areas biodiversity coastal marine environment mines lands water resources technology transfer commercialization laws policies | Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau |
book |
2734 | Integrated management of insect pests of stored grain in the Philippines. | grain storage pest management pesticides | Francisco, S.R.; Mangabat, M.C.; Mataia, A.B.; Acda, M.A.; Kagaoan, C.V.; Laguna, J.P.; Ramos, M. |
book | impact assessment series 62 |
872 | Integrated management of paddy and aquatic weeds in Asia : Proceedings of the International Seminar, held in Tsukuba, Japan, October 19-25, 1992 | pests weed management rice aquatic weeds allelopathy bioherbicides biological control | book | fftc book series no.45 |
1024 | Integrated management plan for Ban Don Bay and Phanga Bay, Thailand | Thailand resource utilization coral reefs mangroves mangrove rehabilitation water quality degradation resource exploitation tourism water use land use policy guidelines coastal management organizational issues environmental quality action plans | book | iclarm technical report no. 30 |