List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
545 Informal linkage mechanisms and technology transfer: The PACO project in Cote d'Ivoire linkage research and development

Eponou, Thomas

book isnar linkages discussion paper no.5e

2853 Information and communication for natural resource management in agriculture: A training sourcebook. information communication natural resource management participatory rural communication appraisal monitoring and evaluation capacity building book

15607 Information management, processing, packaging and marketing: A course guide information management; information processing; information packaging; information marketing; indexing; abstracting; storage and retrieval; subject classification; data collection; information system

Sison, Josephine C.; Rillo, Alicia H.; Dayao, Benefa M.


1794 Information technology and rural development in Asia-Pacific region : Report of an APO study mission, 6-14 December 1995, Tokyo, Japan. information technology information services rural development telecommunication book

1696 Infrastructure for community development. community development infrastructure book

13673 Infrastructure maintenance in the Pacific: Challenging the build-neglect-rebuild paradigm - Summary Paper infrastructure service; asset management; preventive maintenance; government; Fiji; Pacific island countries book

2205 Initiatives on pro-small farmer trade. organic rice farmers trade system emergency rice reserve schemes organic marketing consumers cooperative Seikatsu Club Green Net Oxfam-GB Model Philippine Development Assistance Program Inc. book

2597 Innovations and sustainability strategies in the upland agriculture of Northern Vietnam: An agent-based modeling approach. agricultural innovations soil conservation upland agriculture land use model hybrid rice hybrid maize cassava chemical fertilizers goat raising pigs soil conservation land taxation soil nutrients soil erosion impact of innovations

Dang Viet Quang

book eepsea research report no. 2010-rr4

2020 Innovations in rural extension: Case studies from Bangladesh poverty elimination rural extension rural development agricultural extension work gender women learning methods video education enterprise web picture songs village soil fertility maps integrated rice-duck farming mobile pump aromatic rice seed system rice seed network rice varieties Grameen seed innovations systems book

149 Innovative experience in agribusiness linkaging for agrarian reform beneficiaries agribusiness agrarian reform book