List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1768 Handbook on the use of pesticides in the Asia-Pacific region. pest control plant resistance chemical control integrated pest management pesticides regulatory systems hazards health toxic properties book

2652 Hanging in the balance: Equity in community-based natural resource management in Asia. community-based resource management poverty reduction community forest management cash crops livelihoods community mangrove management Cambodia China India Lao PDR Vietnam Nepal Thailand

Mahanty, Sango; Fox, Jefferson; Nurse, Michael; Stephen, Peter; McLees, Leslie (eds.)


2923 Hardship and poverty in the Pacific. poverty millennium development goals inequality poverty indicators national strategies governance poverty reduction

Abbott, David; Pollard, Steve


13632 Harmonized national research and development agenda 2017-2022 health; agriculture; aquatic; natural resources; industry; energy; technology; disaster risk reduction; climate change adaptation; crops; livestock; forestry biodiversity; watershed book

3015 Harnessing adaptation knowledge in the Asia-Pacific region. adaptation knowledge management Asia-Pacific book

15552 Harnessing GIS and remote sensing technologies toward improved water governance and agricultural policy - SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph Series No. 7 GIS; remote sensing; water governance; water resources; agricultural productivity; agricultural policy; water governance; Philippines; professorial chair

Alibuyog, Nathaniel


15226 Harnessing the fourth industrial revolution: Creating our future today - Proceedings of the fourth annual public policy conference digital technologies; ICT; digitalization; technology; innovation industrial strategy; smart economies; agriculture; nutrition; environment; polyculture; science and technology; human capital; social protection; education; training book

274 Harvest of confusion: Migrant workers in U.S. Agriculture migrant farmworkers farm labor data migrant studies

Martin, Philip L.


2810 Hatchery management of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus): a best-practice manual. Tiger grouper hatchery broodstock spawning egg handling larval rearing fingerling production

Sugama, Ketut; Rimmer, Michael A.; Ismi, Suko; Koesharyani, Isti; Suwirya, Ketut; Girl, N.A.; Alava, Veronica R.

book aciar monograph no. 149

16433 Hatchery production of sea cucumbers (Sandfish Holothuria scabra) sea cucumbers; ecological importance; economic importance; hatchery; microalgae; broodstock management; spawning; larval rearing; early juvenile production

Altamirano, Jon P.; Rodriguez, Jesus C. Jr.

book aquaculture extension manual no. 69