List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1050 Giant clam: a hatchery and nursery culture manual clams aquaculture hatchery nursery spawning larval feeding metamorphosis larval rearing genetics

Braley, Richard D. (ed.)

book aciar monograph no.15

1046 Giant clams in the sustainable development of the South Pacific: Socioeconomic issues in mariculture and conservation clams property rights mariculture market seafarming

Tisdell, C.


2216 Gift technology manual: An aid to tilapia selective breeding. tilapia breeding freshwater fishes fish culture rearing harvesting selective breeding research facilities equipment tagging book

509 GIS applications for agro-environmental issues in developing countries GIS database development land use analysis mapping

Kokubun, M.; Uchida, S.; Tsurumi, K. (eds.

book jircas international symposium series no.8

2512 GIS in the Philippines: Principles and applications in forestry and natural resources. geographical information system resource management georeferencing spatial analysis monitoring and evaluation land evaluation land classification land use modelling watershed governance land use suitability assessment

Bantayan, Nathaniel C.


15835 GIS-aided biophysical characterization of Southern Leyte landscape in relation to landslide occurrences mapping; landslides

Jadina, Beatriz C.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2013-2

2397 Gleanings: Lessons in community-based coastal resources management. community organizing livelihood CBCRM industrialization advocacy networking education gender issues legal book

1503 Global aspects of food production food production nutrition germplasm resources water resources humid tropics energy balance desertification insect control nitrogen fertilizer

Swaminathan, M.S.; Sinha, S.K. (eds.)

book natural resources and the environmental series volume 20

1123 Global competitiveness and sustainable agricultural and rural development sustainable agriculture

Sajise, Percy E.


3094 Global Conference on Women Agriculture : Synthesis Report. Synthesis Report. women empowerment agriculture issues women's rights rural women book