ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2257 | Gender issues in community-based resource management: Theories, applications and Philippine case studies. | community-based resource management women community development natural resources information gathering Mt. Makiling Central Cordillera | Murray, Tania Li |
book | ermp reports 9 |
2357 | Gender mainstreaming in water resources management. | water resources management gender | Kuriakose, Anne T.; Ahluwalia, Indira; Malpani, Smita; Hansen, Kristine; Pehu, Eija; Dhar, Arunima |
book |
2002 | Gender roles and child nutrition in livestock production systems in developing countries: A critical review. | gender roles livestock production systems nomadic pastoral systems agropastoral systems women malnutrition child nutrition alley farming gender analysis division of labor | Tangka, F.K.; Jabbar, M.A.; Shapiro, B.I. |
book | socio-economics and policy research working paper 27 |
15868 | Gender roles and relationships: Khmer ethnic minority women’s participation in water management | gender relations to water; reproductive and productive gendered roles; women’s participation and decision-making; gender equality; water management; Khmer ethnic minority women; Vietnam | Nguyen Van Thai; Pham Tran Lan Phuong |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2021-1 |
143 | Gender-sensitive planning in rural development: Final Report. | gender analysis gender issues gender planning political framework | Engelhardt, Eva |
book |
1710 | Gene banks and the world's food. | gene banks seeds plant collectors biotechnology genetic resources rice germplasm | Plucknett, D. L.; Smith, N.J.H.; Williams, J.T.; Murthi Anishetty, N. |
book |
2213 | Genes are gems: Reporting agri-biotechnology - A sourcebook for journalists. | agri-biotechnology science communication journalism science news editing reporting biotechnology genetically modified crops transgenic technology communication guidelines | Navarro, Rex L.; Gopikrishna Warrier, S.; Maslog, Crispin C. |
book |
886 | Genetic and molecular basis of plant pathogenesis | plant diseases gene protein glycoproteins pathogen izozymes amino acids pathotoxins | Vanderplank, J.E. |
book | advanced series in agricultural sciences no.6 |
1575 | Genetic engineering of crop plants for abiotic stress | drought stress biological mechanisms cold acclimatization freezing tolerance salt stress plants transgenic plants abiotic stress tolerance wheat genetic engineering legumes semi-arid tropics roots tubers genetic dissection maize plant improvement | M. Iwanaga (ed.) |
book | jircas working report no.23 |
405 | Genetic engineering: dream or nightmare | genetic engineering biotechnology mutation genes genetically modified foods | Mae-Wan Ho |
book |