List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2357 Gender mainstreaming in water resources management. water resources management gender

Kuriakose, Anne T.; Ahluwalia, Indira; Malpani, Smita; Hansen, Kristine; Pehu, Eija; Dhar, Arunima


2002 Gender roles and child nutrition in livestock production systems in developing countries: A critical review. gender roles livestock production systems nomadic pastoral systems agropastoral systems women malnutrition child nutrition alley farming gender analysis division of labor

Tangka, F.K.; Jabbar, M.A.; Shapiro, B.I.

book socio-economics and policy research working paper 27

15868 Gender roles and relationships: Khmer ethnic minority women’s participation in water management gender relations to water; reproductive and productive gendered roles; women’s participation and decision-making; gender equality; water management; Khmer ethnic minority women; Vietnam

Nguyen Van Thai; Pham Tran Lan Phuong

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2021-1

143 Gender-sensitive planning in rural development: Final Report. gender analysis gender issues gender planning political framework

Engelhardt, Eva


1710 Gene banks and the world's food. gene banks seeds plant collectors biotechnology genetic resources rice germplasm

Plucknett, D. L.; Smith, N.J.H.; Williams, J.T.; Murthi Anishetty, N.


2213 Genes are gems: Reporting agri-biotechnology - A sourcebook for journalists. agri-biotechnology science communication journalism science news editing reporting biotechnology genetically modified crops transgenic technology communication guidelines

Navarro, Rex L.; Gopikrishna Warrier, S.; Maslog, Crispin C.


886 Genetic and molecular basis of plant pathogenesis plant diseases gene protein glycoproteins pathogen izozymes amino acids pathotoxins

Vanderplank, J.E.

book advanced series in agricultural sciences no.6

1575 Genetic engineering of crop plants for abiotic stress drought stress biological mechanisms cold acclimatization freezing tolerance salt stress plants transgenic plants abiotic stress tolerance wheat genetic engineering legumes semi-arid tropics roots tubers genetic dissection maize plant improvement

M. Iwanaga (ed.)

book jircas working report no.23

405 Genetic engineering: dream or nightmare genetic engineering biotechnology mutation genes genetically modified foods

Mae-Wan Ho


1278 Genetic improvement of rice for water-limited environments. plant breeding plant physiology molecular genetics marker-assisted selection roots drought tolerance

Ito, O.; O'Toole, J.; Hardy, B. (eds.)
