List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
912 Fundamentals of applied entomology insect structure growth insect control insecticide application chemical control insect pests

Pfadt, Robert E.


1360 Fundamentals of food engineering. food engineering filtration centrifugation freezing thawing

Charm, Stanley E.


887 Fundamentals of plant pathology theory plant pathology pathogens morphological symptoms nematodes plant diseases

Roberts, D.A.; Boothroyd, C.W.


1953 Fungal diseases of forest tree seeds and control measures: A guidebook. forest tree seeds fungal diseases disease control morphological structure

Dayan, Maria dP.

book denr recommends 13

885 Fungi and mycotoxins in stored products fungi mycotoxins store products microflora toxins

Champ, B.R.; Highley, E.; Hocking, A.D.; Pitt, J.I. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.36

16531 Fungible life: Experiment in the Asian city of life biotechnology; genes; Asian diseases; bioethics; viruses

Ong, Aihwa


1942 Fusion: Papers read at FUSE assemblies, Volume 3. education curriculum literacy information technology mass media human resource development nonformal education English Philippines book

13662 Future carbon fund: Delivering co-benefits for sustainable development clean development mechanism; sustainable development; mitigation; Paris Agreement book

544 Future challenges for national agricultural research: a policy dialogue : Proceedings of the international conference entitled "Challenges and Opportunities for the NARS in the Year 2000: A Policy Dialogue," held in Berlin, 12-18 January 1992 research public research research support management research policies book

1057 Future directions for Indian irrigation: Research and policy issues irrigation reservoir management groundwater development India

Dick, R.M.; Svendsen, M. (eds.)
