ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2635 | Learning in development. | organizational learning knowledge management knowledge audit | Serrat, Olivier |
book |
2206 | Learning participation in action: Field research experiences in South Asia. | learning participation field research livelihood improvement community forestry participatory approaches sweet potato nutrition farmers scientists mungbean coastal communities seed storage practices potato production community participation folk art communication tools | Campilan, Dindo; Bertuso, Arma; Ariyabandu, Rajindra; Sister, Lorna (eds.) |
book |
603 | Learning to change, changing to learn: managing natural resources for sustainable agriculture in the Philippine uplands | sustainable agriculture technology transfer natural resource management Visayas Matalom case Matag-ob case Pinabacdao case | Campilan, Dindo M. |
book |
121 | Learning to lead: The art of transforming managers into leaders | leadership | Conger, Jay A. |
book |
2407 | Learning to manage livelihoods: New perspectives in rootcrop R&D. | livelihood system participatory agricultural research rootcrops sweetpotato waste management environmental impact integrated disease management community participation Farmers Field School snack food enterprise networking capacity building gender analysis | book |
15161 | Lechon science | lechon engineering; butchering; marinating; spices; stuffing; roasting; packaging; business | Monleon, Arnolfo M. |
book | pcaarrd information bulletin no. 118/2022 |
2547 | Legacy of engagement in Southeast Asia. | economic conditions economic assistance economic partnership international aide political change Southeast Asia | Murphy, Ann Marie; Welsh, Bridget (eds.) |
book |
1998 | Legal and jurisdictional guidebook for coastal resource management in the Philippines. | coastal resource management legislations laws non-formal institutions capture fisheries mangroves aquaculture protected areas pollution habitat management Philippines | Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR); Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG); Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR); Coastal Resource Management Project (CRMP) |
book |
15631 | Legal arguments on agri-biotechnology: Content analysis of legal documents related to the Bt eggplant case | genetically modified; biotechnology; agri-biotechnology; Bt eggplant | Llarena, Elaine DC.; Cortes, Damcelle T. |
book |
54 | Legal challenges for local management of marine resources: a Philippine case study. | fishery law marine resources conservation Philippines Bais Bay marine resources legislation | Abregana, B.; Barber, P.G.; Maxino, M.; Saunders, P.; VanderZwaag, D. |
book | ermp reports no. 32 |