List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2776 Natural resource governance and food security in Cambodia: Policy discussion note. natural resource governance economic growth poverty reduction food security

Ratner, Blake D.

book special report 8

13139 Nature-based solutions for building resilience in towns and cities - Case studies from the Greater Mekong Subregion climate change resilience; nature-based adaptations; Greater Mekong Subregion; Asian Development Bank; green infrastructure; water management; flood management; slope stabilization; pollution management; energy; heat; greenhouse gas management; urban planning; vulnerability assessment; adaptation planning; Nepal; Vietnam; Philippines; Malaysia; Korea; Australia; Mexico book

1184 Navigating through the bureaucracy: Lessons in governance at the Department of Science and Technology. bureaucracy governance re-engineering

Padolina, William G.

book working paper no. 99-09

3092 Needs and potential for rural youth development in Lao PDR. national organizations national development policies youth issues international agencies

Anne Nielsen; Vanhmany Chanhsomphou


1286 Neem pesticides in rice: Potential and limitations. neem pest control botanical pesticides integrated pest management

Lim Guan Soon; Bottrell, Dale G.


806 Neem: a tree for solving global problems - : Report of an Ad Hoc Panel of the Board on Science and Technology for International Development National Research Council Azadirachta indica uses growth plant viruses agroforestry reforestation drug plants neem insects organisms medicinal plants industrial products reforestation book

13138 Negotiating global rules on agricultural domestic support: Options for the World Trade Organization's Buenos Aires Ministerial Conference WTO agreement; agriculture; trade distortions; farm income book

1889 Negros Island: A sweet land of forgotten people. sugar mill plantation worker sugarcane labor law contractors Negros Occidental Philippines

Daenekindt, Roger; Manato, Emmanuel


81 Nepal: economic policies for sustainable development sustainable development population forest resources management tourism energy industry urbanization Nepal book

2131 Networking for development. networking networks typology electronic networks problems benefits animal traction networks legitimacy monitoring evaluation

Starkey, Paul
