List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
409 Numerical ecology ecological data matrix algebra dimensional analysis structure analysis

Legendre, L.; Legendre, P.

book developments in environmental modelling 3

17 Numerical modelling of groundwater basins : A user-oriented manual. Netherlands Groundwater model geomorphology lithological variations calibration aquifers hydrological stress watertable elevation

Boonstra, J.; de Ridder, N.A.

book ilri publication 29

15639 Nursery culture of tropical anguillid eels in the Philippines eels; glass eels; breeding; life cycle; culture; transport; site requirement; water quality and management; nursery tanks; acclimatization; stocking density; feeds and feeding; nutritional requirement; growth and survival; disease and disease management

Aralar, Maria Lourdes C.; Aya, Frolan; Egia, Maria Rowena R.; Logronio, Dan Joseph

book aquaculture extension manual no. 65

2809 Nursery management of grouper: a best-practice manual. grouper tank culture pond culture stocking grouper fingerlings water quality management health management economic evaluation

Ismi, Suko; Sutarmat, Tatam; Girl, N.A.; Rimmer, Michael A.; Knuckey, M.J.; Berding, Anjanette C.; Sugama, Ketut

book aciar monograph no. 150

15904 Nurturing nature and culture: Policy and customary perspectives on the indigenous forest management system chontog of Barangay Ekip, Bokod, Benguet indigenous knowledge; indigenous peoples rights; environmental laws; ecological citizenship; cultural studies; Ibaloy; Philippines

Rabang, Roland Erwin P.

book up cids discussion paper 2020-02

1364 Nutrient disorders in plantation eucalypts. Nutrient disorders : Plant disorders toxicities plant analysis nitrogen phosphorus potassium calcium magnesium sulfur iron

Dell, B.; Malajczuk, N.; Xu, D.; Grove, T.S.

book aciar monograph no. 74

2651 Nutrient disorders in plantation eucalypts. nitrogen phosphorus potassium calcium magnesium sulfur iron copper zinc manganese boron molybdenum Eucalyptus urophylla Eucalyptus globulus toxicities

Dell, B.; Malajczuk, N.; Grove, T.S.

book aciar monograph 31

1836 Nutrient disorders of sweet potato. sweet potato nutrient disorders nutritional requirements phosphorus potassium magnesium boron manganese salinity nitrogen sulfur manganese copper molybdenum zinc copper toxicity iron calcium aluminum toxicity pathogens pests of plants

O'Sullivan, J.N.; Asher, C.J.; Blamey, F.P.C.

book aciar monograph no. 48

1854 Nutrition and development - a global assessment. human nutrition food health policies food security food quality food safety agricultural policies health policies population policies urbanization micronutrient deficiencies women book

1090 Nutrition throughout the life cycle nutrition health maintenance nutrients pregnancy human milk lactation maternal nutrition childhood aging education programs

Williams, S.R.; Roberts, B.S.
