ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15897 | Nontariff measures in the Philippines: A preliminary analysis using incidence indicators | nontariff measures; tariff rates; trade; Philippines | Quimba, Francis Mark A.; Calizo Jr., Sylwyn C. |
book | pids research paper series 2020-03 |
15550 | Novel diagnostics for transboundary animal diseases - SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph Series No. 5 | animal diseases; animal industry; infectious disease; disease monitoring; polymerase chain reaction; test kits; diagnostic virology; animal diagnostics; TADs; transboundary animal diseases; professorial chair | Jueco-Domingo, Clarissa Yvonne |
book |
409 | Numerical ecology | ecological data matrix algebra dimensional analysis structure analysis | Legendre, L.; Legendre, P. |
book | developments in environmental modelling 3 |
17 | Numerical modelling of groundwater basins : A user-oriented manual. | Netherlands Groundwater model geomorphology lithological variations calibration aquifers hydrological stress watertable elevation | Boonstra, J.; de Ridder, N.A. |
book | ilri publication 29 |
15639 | Nursery culture of tropical anguillid eels in the Philippines | eels; glass eels; breeding; life cycle; culture; transport; site requirement; water quality and management; nursery tanks; acclimatization; stocking density; feeds and feeding; nutritional requirement; growth and survival; disease and disease management | Aralar, Maria Lourdes C.; Aya, Frolan; Egia, Maria Rowena R.; Logronio, Dan Joseph |
book | aquaculture extension manual no. 65 |
2809 | Nursery management of grouper: a best-practice manual. | grouper tank culture pond culture stocking grouper fingerlings water quality management health management economic evaluation | Ismi, Suko; Sutarmat, Tatam; Girl, N.A.; Rimmer, Michael A.; Knuckey, M.J.; Berding, Anjanette C.; Sugama, Ketut |
book | aciar monograph no. 150 |
15904 | Nurturing nature and culture: Policy and customary perspectives on the indigenous forest management system chontog of Barangay Ekip, Bokod, Benguet | indigenous knowledge; indigenous peoples rights; environmental laws; ecological citizenship; cultural studies; Ibaloy; Philippines | Rabang, Roland Erwin P. |
book | up cids discussion paper 2020-02 |
1364 | Nutrient disorders in plantation eucalypts. | Nutrient disorders : Plant disorders toxicities plant analysis nitrogen phosphorus potassium calcium magnesium sulfur iron | Dell, B.; Malajczuk, N.; Xu, D.; Grove, T.S. |
book | aciar monograph no. 74 |
2651 | Nutrient disorders in plantation eucalypts. | nitrogen phosphorus potassium calcium magnesium sulfur iron copper zinc manganese boron molybdenum Eucalyptus urophylla Eucalyptus globulus toxicities | Dell, B.; Malajczuk, N.; Grove, T.S. |
book | aciar monograph 31 |
1836 | Nutrient disorders of sweet potato. | sweet potato nutrient disorders nutritional requirements phosphorus potassium magnesium boron manganese salinity nitrogen sulfur manganese copper molybdenum zinc copper toxicity iron calcium aluminum toxicity pathogens pests of plants | O'Sullivan, J.N.; Asher, C.J.; Blamey, F.P.C. |
book | aciar monograph no. 48 |