List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1694 Organizational change for participatory irrigation management. irrigation management participatory irrigation management book

1795 Ornamental bamboos for urban parks. bamboos planting hedges species plant propagation origin

Roxas, C.A.; Tangan, F.T.; Virtucio, F.D.

book denr recommends no. 9

15521 Ornamental horticulture: A little giant in the tropics crop protection; ornamental; horticulture; soil science; floriculture; landscaping plants; nursery practices; cut flowers; foliage plants; bedding plants; postharvest physiology; textbook writing; landscape horticulture; plant acclimatization

Rimando, Tito J.


2428 Ornamental plants in the Philippines: San Francisco. ornamental plants San Francisco cultivars propagation soil watering pests and diseases landscaping

Vergara, Benito S.


205 Our common bowl: global food interdependence environmental degradation food production food supply food shortage agricultural productivity trade liberalization food crops environmental degradation book

122 Our common future sustainable development food security ecosystems sustainability energy population

World Commission on Environment and Development


1925 Our stake in the future: A primer on the EIS system and DENR Administrative Order No. 96-37. environmental impact assessment environmental risk assessment environmentally critical area rules and regulations environmental monitoring fund Philippines book

1132 Out-of-school environmental education in the ASEAN Region: problems, strategies and prospects Education Environmental education

Sajise, Percy E.


13878 Outlook for the Philippine economy and agro-industry to 2030: The role of productivity growth Philippine economy; agriculture; agro-industry; computable general equilibrium; total factor productivity; growth projections

Briones, Roehlano M.

book discussion paper series no. 2017-30

16632 Outside looking in gendered perspectives in work and education gender equity; educational mobility; schooling progression; work; labor market participation rate; wage gap; agricultural workers; gender issues; women; men; Philippines

Bayudan-Dacuycuy, Connie G. (Ed.)
