ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2279 | Payments for environmental services in Vietnam: Assessing an economic approach to sustainable forest management. | forest management forest conservation reforestation hill farming sustainable forestry upland conservation agroforestry environmental services forest resources environmental impact | Bui Dung The; Hong Bich Ngoc |
book | research report no. 2006-rr3 |
2321 | Peace and human rights education through education for sustainable development: Lessons from four case studies in the Philippines. | educational system human rights education Philippines | Lee Seung-Mi; Jung Hye-Won (eds.) |
book | eiu best case study series no.5 |
258 | Peanut consumption patterns in the Philippines | Philippines groundnuts food consumption consumer behaviour protein content peanut production importation nutrient analysis | Garcia, V.V.; Rubico, S.M.; Arenas, R.C.; Valmonte, R.D. |
book | pcarrd book series no.91 |
826 | Peanut improvement: a case study in Indonesia : Proceedings of an ACIAR/ARRD/QDPI collaborative review meeting held at Malang, East Java, Indonesia, Aug 19-23, 1991. | genetic control yields peanuts Pseudomonas solanacearum acid soils plant breeding photoperiod irrigation bacterial wilt lime requirements drought tolerance | Wright, G.C.; Middleton, K.J. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.40 |
1588 | Peanut varieties. | Land preparation water management fertilization crop protection pests of plants plant diseases weed control harvesting soybeans varieties | book | information bulletin no. 225/2002 |
15905 | Pedagogy and goal-setting in foreign language policy: Potentials for a decolonial framework | foreign languages; policy; decolonial studies; instructional materials; teaching approaches; decolonizing foreign languages | Bautista, Naidyl Isis; Cabling, Kristine; Cruz, Frances Antoinette; Melchor, Jillian Loise; Sarmiento, Anna Marie S. |
book | up cids discussion paper 2019-11 |
14261 | Penablanca protected landscape and seascape: Management plan - Strengthening climate change resilience through improved watershed and coastal resources management in protected areas | management; climate change; disasters; vulnerability | book |
13169 | Penablanca protected landscape and seascape: Monitoring and evaluation plan - Strengthening climate change resilience through improved watershed and coastal resources management in protected areas | monitoring and evaluation; climate change; disasters; vulnerability | book |
921 | People and trees: The role of social forestry in sustainable development | social forestry watershed management natural forests fuelwood crisis employment investment returns project planning education training monitoring and evaluation project organization sustainable development | Gregersen, Hans; Draper, S.; Elz, D. (eds.) |
book |
185 | People based sustainable agricultural development for a global world tomorrow | Sustainability food security agricultural development trade policy sustainable development land use education community participation micro enterprise video biotechnology livestock forage conservation | book |