ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
429 | Phytohormones and related compounds: a comprehensive treatise : Volume 1: The biochemistry of phytohormones and related compounds. | Phytohormones Auxins Gibberellins Cytokinins Ethylene Abscisic acid Plant growth regulations Cellular metabolism Plant hormones | Letham, D.S; Goodwin, P.B.; Higgins, T.J.V. (eds.) |
book |
15056 | Pictorial guide on the natural enemies of major insect pests of cacao, Theobroma cacao L. in the Philippines, Vol. 1 | cacao; Theobroma cacao; natural enemies; incest pests; spiders; predatory insects; Philippines | book | pcaarrd information bulletin no. 108/2020 |
437 | Pictorial key to genera of plant-parasitic nematodes | Tylenchida Dorylaimida nematodes plant parasitic nematodes | Mai, W.F. |
book |
3131 | PIDS 2014 economic policy monitor - Effective regulations for sustainable growth | macroeconomics policy updates regulatory quality regulatory management system | book |
2140 | Pig husbandry in New Guinea : A literature review and bibliography. | pigs origins breeds exotic pigs husbandry systems animal production animal housing feeding growth reproduction mortality trade research trials pork human diets animal diseases human diseases environmental impacts | Hide, Robin |
book |
15728 | Pilot testing of NAPHIRE's Livelihood and Nutrition Training Program in Isabela, Philippines: Women in postproduction systems | soap making; pilot trials; rural women; nutrition program; mushroom culture; Isabela; NAPHIRE | Toquero, Zenaida F.; Ebron, Leonarda Z.; Bermundo, Angelina C.; Ramos, Elizabeth V.; Torres, Rebecca C. |
book |
15734 | Pilot testing of ViSCA's improved cassava processing technology in Mabagon, Hindang, Leyte, Philippines: Women in postproduction systems | cassava processing; pilot testing; Leyte; women; postproduction | Toquero, Zenaida F.; Roa, Julieta C.; Torres, Rebecca C. |
book |
2983 | PJPEA: Strengthening the foundation for regional cooperation and economic integration. | agricultural trade patterns food sanitation imports and exports economic cooperation agricultural commodities export growth Japan-Philippine trade policy implications small and medium enterprise | Erlinda Medalla |
book |
570 | Planned change in farming systems: Progress in on-farm research | farming systems research case studies research policy alley farming rice-based cropping system maize postharvest technology | Tripp, Robert (ed.) |
book |
159 | Planning and decision in agribusiness: principles and experiences | Methological approaches case studies production planning marketing decision making agribusiness linear programming | Hanf, C.H.; Schiefer, G.W. (eds.) |
book |