List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
429 Phytohormones and related compounds: a comprehensive treatise : Volume 1: The biochemistry of phytohormones and related compounds. Phytohormones Auxins Gibberellins Cytokinins Ethylene Abscisic acid Plant growth regulations Cellular metabolism Plant hormones

Letham, D.S; Goodwin, P.B.; Higgins, T.J.V. (eds.)


15056 Pictorial guide on the natural enemies of major insect pests of cacao, Theobroma cacao L. in the Philippines, Vol. 1 cacao; Theobroma cacao; natural enemies; incest pests; spiders; predatory insects; Philippines book pcaarrd information bulletin no. 108/2020

437 Pictorial key to genera of plant-parasitic nematodes Tylenchida Dorylaimida nematodes plant parasitic nematodes

Mai, W.F.


3131 PIDS 2014 economic policy monitor - Effective regulations for sustainable growth macroeconomics policy updates regulatory quality regulatory management system book

2140 Pig husbandry in New Guinea : A literature review and bibliography. pigs origins breeds exotic pigs husbandry systems animal production animal housing feeding growth reproduction mortality trade research trials pork human diets animal diseases human diseases environmental impacts

Hide, Robin


15728 Pilot testing of NAPHIRE's Livelihood and Nutrition Training Program in Isabela, Philippines: Women in postproduction systems soap making; pilot trials; rural women; nutrition program; mushroom culture; Isabela; NAPHIRE

Toquero, Zenaida F.; Ebron, Leonarda Z.; Bermundo, Angelina C.; Ramos, Elizabeth V.; Torres, Rebecca C.


15734 Pilot testing of ViSCA's improved cassava processing technology in Mabagon, Hindang, Leyte, Philippines: Women in postproduction systems cassava processing; pilot testing; Leyte; women; postproduction

Toquero, Zenaida F.; Roa, Julieta C.; Torres, Rebecca C.


2983 PJPEA: Strengthening the foundation for regional cooperation and economic integration. agricultural trade patterns food sanitation imports and exports economic cooperation agricultural commodities export growth Japan-Philippine trade policy implications small and medium enterprise

Erlinda Medalla


570 Planned change in farming systems: Progress in on-farm research farming systems research case studies research policy alley farming rice-based cropping system maize postharvest technology

Tripp, Robert (ed.)


159 Planning and decision in agribusiness: principles and experiences Methological approaches case studies production planning marketing decision making agribusiness linear programming

Hanf, C.H.; Schiefer, G.W. (eds.)
