List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
427 Plant physiology in relation to horticulture seed seedling vegetative plant vegetative propagation flower fruit plant physiology horticulture growth analysis

Bleasdale, J.K.A.


425 Plant physiology: a treatise : Volume 1A: Cellular organization and respiration. plant cell enzymes cytoplasm proteins

Steward, F.C. (ed.)


625 Plant production and management under drought conditions weather modification plant breeding genetics water management remote sensing plant stress plant physiology

Stone, John F.; Willis, Wayne O. (eds.)

book developments in agricultural and managed-forest ecology 12

909 Plant quarantine in Asia and the Pacific : Report of an APO study meeting, Mar 17-26, 1992, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. sterilization techniques heat treatment insect pests fruit fly plant diseases nematodes plant viruses pest control book

2239 Plant resources of South-East Asia; A selection. agricultural crops cereals pulses vegetable edible fruits spices essential oils medicinal plants timber trees fibre plants

Westphal, E.; Jansen, P.C.M. (eds.)


1912 Plant tissue culture and agriculture in the South Pacific : Papers presented at tissue culture workshops, Nuku' Alofa, Tonga and Lae and Keravat, Papua New Guinea, April-May 1996. tissue culture quarantine in vitro collection micropropagation laboratories cloning cocoa contamination

Taylor, M.

book prap report no. 4

2562 Plant tissue culture: theory and practice tissue culture media haploid production triploid production cell culture clonal propagation somatic embryogenesis pollination germplasm storage cellular totipotency

Bhojwani, S.S.; Razdan, M.K.

book developments in crop science 5

2238 Planters and their components: Types, attributes, functional requirements, classification and description. planting machines machinery broadcast planter drill planter precision planter dibble planter crop establishment seed metering components seed delivery components

Murray, J.R.; Tullberg, J.N.; Basnet, B.B.


2608 Planthoppers: New threats to the sustainability of intensive rice production systems. planthoppers taxonomy migration

Heong, K.L.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


766 Plants fed to village ruminants in Indonesia : Notes on 136 species, their composition, and significance in village farming systems ruminants feed supplements cattle buffalo sheep goats forages grazing

Brian Lowry, J.; John Petheram, R.; Budi Tangendjaja (eds.)

book aciar technical reports 22