List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
43 Population pressure and natural resource management: key issues and possible actions. natural resource management population pressure Bangladesh Nepal Philippines book adb environment paper no.6

559 Population, farming systems and food security farming systems food security land shortages soil degradation livestock systems

Calon, M.L.H.

book farming systems analysis paper no.7(e)

2252 Possibility of foreign direct investment and vertical coordination toward high value agriculture in Asia. high value agriculture vertical coordination food industry agricultural development economic crisis green revolution agricultural recession Southeast Asia

Minoru Tada

book jircas working report no. 52

15829 Post-logging ban timber tree planting in Thailand and the Philippines timber tree planting; logging ban

Yonariza; Singzon, Sharon B.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2012-1

1096 Postharvest biochemistry of plant food-materials in the tropics postharvest biochemistry food materials protein enzymes antioxidants sensory changes utilization biochemical changes physicochemical properties alcohol fermentation polyphenols tannins book

13171 Postharvest handling of cabbage and chili pepper in Asia postharvest handling; cabbage; chinese cabbage; Bangladesh; Mongolia; Sri Lanka; Vietnam; Philippines; Republic of Korea; Cambodia; Lao PDR; Indonesia; Nepal; Thailand book

1544 Postharvest handling of fresh vegetables. Australia China Thailand vegetables broccoli cabbage onions fruits melon postharvest handling assessment research and development postproduction supply industry marketing exports storage packaging postharvest technologies sanitary washing hot water treatment shelf life salicylic acid

O'Hare, Tim

book aciar proceedings no.105

13172 Postharvest handling of mango, banana, pear, and strawberry in Asia postharvest handling; mango; banana; pear; strawberry; Bangladesh; Cambodia; Indonesia; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vietnam; Philippines; Lao PDR; Nepal; Mongolia; Republic of Korea book

13173 Postharvest handling of tomato in Asia postharvest handling; tomato; Cambodia; Indonesia; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vietnam; Philippines; Lao PDR; Nepal; Mongolia; Republic of Korea book

600 Postharvest handling of tropical and subtropical fruit crops fruits tropical fruits postharvest handling pest control storage disease control ethylene packaging Malaysia Taiwan Thailand Korea book fftc book series no.37