List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
386 Priorities and strategies for education: A World Bank review education economic growth poverty reduction public finance investment labor market linkages book

2548 Prioritizing agricultural research for development: Experiences and lessons. agriculture rice research natural resources management PIPA IITA CIFOR ICRISAT ILRI CIMMYT ICARDA CGIAR

Raitzer, David A.; Norton, George W. (eds.)


2101 Priority setting in agricultural biotechnology research: Supporting public decisions in developing countries with the analytic hierarchy process. agriculture research management biotechnology methods research policies

Brauschweig, T.


2293 Private contributions towards the provision of public goods: The conservation of Thailand's endangered species. endangered species wildlife conservation contingent valuation public goods willingness to pay Thailand

Orapan Nabangchang

book research report no. 2008-rr7

326 Private investment and macroeconomic environment in the South Pacific Island countries: a cross-country analysis private investment economic reform exchange rate institutional reforms South Pacific

Jayaraman, T.K.

book adb occasional papers no.14

2141 Private investment in agricultural research and international technology transfer in Asia. agriculture research private research technology transfer agricultural development investments India Pakistan Thailand Indonesia Malaysia Philippines China

Pray, Carl E.; Fuglie, Keith O.


15722 Pro-poor development policies: Lessons from the Philippines and East Asia economic development; policy; equality; agriculture; climate change; structural transformations; value chains; trade policy; liberalization; tarification

Hill, Hal; Ravago, Majah-Leah V.; Roumasset, James A. (Eds.)


2739 Pro-poor tourism in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region. tourism economic growth employment income land eco-tourism poverty reduction book

1598 Probing beneath cross-national averages : Poverty, inequality, and growth in the Philippines. Poverty, inequality, and growth in the Philippines. Poverty reduction

Balisacan, Arsenio M.; Pernia, Ernesto M.

book erd working paper series no. 7

1157 Problems and prospects of community-based resource management Community-Based Resource Management Ikalahan economy

Sajise, Percy E.
