ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
386 | Priorities and strategies for education: A World Bank review | education economic growth poverty reduction public finance investment labor market linkages | book |
2548 | Prioritizing agricultural research for development: Experiences and lessons. | agriculture rice research natural resources management PIPA IITA CIFOR ICRISAT ILRI CIMMYT ICARDA CGIAR | Raitzer, David A.; Norton, George W. (eds.) |
book |
2101 | Priority setting in agricultural biotechnology research: Supporting public decisions in developing countries with the analytic hierarchy process. | agriculture research management biotechnology methods research policies | Brauschweig, T. |
book |
2293 | Private contributions towards the provision of public goods: The conservation of Thailand's endangered species. | endangered species wildlife conservation contingent valuation public goods willingness to pay Thailand | Orapan Nabangchang |
book | research report no. 2008-rr7 |
326 | Private investment and macroeconomic environment in the South Pacific Island countries: a cross-country analysis | private investment economic reform exchange rate institutional reforms South Pacific | Jayaraman, T.K. |
book | adb occasional papers no.14 |
2141 | Private investment in agricultural research and international technology transfer in Asia. | agriculture research private research technology transfer agricultural development investments India Pakistan Thailand Indonesia Malaysia Philippines China | Pray, Carl E.; Fuglie, Keith O. |
book |
15722 | Pro-poor development policies: Lessons from the Philippines and East Asia | economic development; policy; equality; agriculture; climate change; structural transformations; value chains; trade policy; liberalization; tarification | Hill, Hal; Ravago, Majah-Leah V.; Roumasset, James A. (Eds.) |
book |
2739 | Pro-poor tourism in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region. | tourism economic growth employment income land eco-tourism poverty reduction | book |
1598 | Probing beneath cross-national averages : Poverty, inequality, and growth in the Philippines. | Poverty, inequality, and growth in the Philippines. | Poverty reduction | Balisacan, Arsenio M.; Pernia, Ernesto M. |
book | erd working paper series no. 7 |
1157 | Problems and prospects of community-based resource management | Community-Based Resource Management Ikalahan economy | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |