List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2351 Problems and research perspectives of agricultural environment in the tropical and subtropical islands : Proceedings of JIRCAS 2005 international symposium in Ishigaki. crop cultivation environment climate coral reefs climatic resources soil management cover crop zero-tillage farming xeromorphic reaction foliar water spray heat injury high-temperature control technology fruits vegetables book jircas international symposium series no. 13

535 Problems and solutions for "decentralizing" National Agricultural Research Systems Government research Management Organization of research Public research Research Research institutions Decentralization

Hobbs, S.H.

book isnar working paper no.36

13149 Proceedings - Regional Symposium on Mapping and Assessing University-based Farmer Extension Services in ASEAN through an Agro-ecological / Organic Lens higher education; agricultural extension services; sustainable agriculture; agro-ecology; Cambodia; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam book

1322 Proceedings of a seminar on Southeast Asian mangrove, November 5-7, 1980, Okinawa, Japan. mangrove tissues chemistry species leaf temperature protoplasts book

644 Proceedings of an international seminar on prospects and needs of sustainable agriculture in Southeast Asia sustainable agriculture coastal zone lowland areas highlands upland farming book

2852 Proceedings of ASEAN Regional Conference on Adaptive Capture Fisheries Management - Application of Indicators, Hai Phong, 10-12 October 2005. adaptive fisheries management fishery management book

1411 Proceedings of international seminar on agricultural change and development in Southeast Asia (ISACDESA-II). rice farming land use rice production soil management farming system irrigation agricultural diversification soil management shifting cultivation Green Revolution book

1863 Proceedings of international seminar on development of agribusiness and its impact on agricultural production in Southeast Asia (DABIA III). agribusiness small enterprise entrepreneurial development sericulture large scale agricultural production contract growing cavendish banana organic farming integrated pest management genetic engineering animal industry wastes shrimp industry chicken mushroom radish sewage sludges tungro virus tobacco farming nickel cadmium sludge amendment book

1168 Proceedings of the 19th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. agriculture water resources pollution education forest resources mapping land use digital image processing geomorphology soil book

15579 Proceedings of the 1st IDRC-SEARCA Annual Fellowship Plus Conference-Workshop: Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture Development in the Uplands: Challenges and Opportunities sustainable upland agriculture; research; extension; food security; IDRC book