List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15593 Policy Roundtable on Challenges and Opportunities of Agri-food Trade: The Case of Myanmar (ATMI-ASEAN) agri-food trade; policy roundtable; Myanmar book

15585 Policy Roundtable Proceedings: Improving Agricultural Insurance for Climate Change Resilience in Southeast Asia agricultural insurance; climate change; resilience book

15588 Policy Roundtable: Rice Policies Across Southeast Asia rice; import; export; policies; food security book

1597 Policy-based lending and poverty reduction : An overview of processes, assessment, and options. An overview of processes, assessment, and options. Poverty reduction institutional capacity loans

Bolt, Richard; Fujimura, Manabu

book erd working paper series no. 2

15721 Policy-enabling environment for climate change adaptation: Some experiences in Southeast Asia climate change policy; climate change adaptation; Southeast Asia

Sajise, Percy E.; Lasco, Rodel D.; Cadiz, Maria Celeste H.; Bantayan, Rosario B.


2588 Pollution control and sustainable fisheries management in Songkhla Lake, Thailand. pollution control fisheries management fishery industry water quality control economic evaluation environmental degradation shrimp productivity Songkhla Lake Thailand

Pornpinatepong, Kunlayanee

book eepsea research report no. 2010-rr5

2569 Pollution control options for handicraft villages: The case of Duong Lieu Village in the Red River Delta, Vietnam. pollution control wastewater treatment cost-effectiveness analysis cassava processing Vietnam

Nguyen Mau Dung

book eepsea research report no. 2009-rr4

2291 Pollution taxation in China: The impact of inspections. environmental impact charges pollution taxation economic development environmental policy levy system pollution emissions manufacturing plants China

Liguo Lin

book research report no. 2008-rr4

90 Population and food requirements population food requirements population growth rice production quantitative population

Paunlagui, M.M.

book cpds working paper no. 97-12

131 Population and the comprehensive agrarian reform program Philippines Agrarian reform Poverty Population growth

Cornista, Luzviminda B.

book iast occasional papers series no.35