ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
825 | Postharvest handling of tropical fruits : Proceedings of an International Conference held at Chiang Mai, Thailand, Jul 19-23, 1993. | tropical fruits postharvest technology fruits plant products marketing processing diseases storage Asia avocado mango lychee harvesting transportation bananas disinfestation | Champ, B.R.; Highley, E.; Johnson, G.I. |
book | aciar proceedings no.50 |
232 | Postharvest technology for agricultural products in Vietnam | Vietnam postharvest handling postharvest technologies food grains grain drying quality management cereal grains stored grain drying fruits vegetables seafood products livestocks livestock products pest management pest control | Champ, B.R.; Highley, E. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.60 |
1456 | Postharvest technology for Southeast Asian perishable crops. | postharvest handling harvesting disease control quarantine treatment refrigeration packaging precooling ripening grading waxing | Bautista, Ofelia K. |
book |
15747 | Postharvest: Research and processing implications | food processing; postharvest; research | Manalili, Nerlita M.; Johnson, Greg I.; Tongdee, Sing Ching; Tumlos, Locel Ann C. |
book |
257 | Potato marketing in India: Status, issues, and outlook | India potato marketing price analysis marketing research exports storage transport | Prem Singh Dahiya |
book | cip working paper series no. 1994-2 |
787 | Potato research and development in the Republic of Korea: organization, impact and issues | food systems seed program costs and benefits | Horton, D.E.; Kim, Y.C.; Hahn, B.H.; Kim, K.K.; Mok, I.G. |
book |
864 | Potato viruses and their control | potato virus diseases plant diseases aphid transmission diagnostic methods serological methods virus diagnosis ecology epidemiology | Salazar, Luis F. |
book |
260 | Potatoes in Central Africa: a study of Barundi, Rwanda and Zaire | Potatoes plant production consumption marketing | Scott, Gregory J. |
book |
14899 | Potential and efficiency of underused agricultural and fishery resources in Laos | rice; farm management; remote sensing technologies; water use; aquaculture; teak; mango; genetic diversity; nutritional improvements; food access; fermented fish paste; pa daek; nutritional analysis; human nutrition; freshwater fish; shellfish; freshwater shrimp; Macrobrachium dolatum; indigenous fish aquaculture; Laos | book | jircas working report no. 90 |
97 | Potential of on-farm reservoir use for increasing productivity of Philippine rainfed rice areas | reservoir production practices rainfed rice | Moya, T.B..; dela Vina, W.C.; Bhuiyan, S.I. |
book | cpds working paper no. 97-05 |