ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2343 | Presentation to the ambassadors and UN agencies in Myanmar on the development of education in Myanmar: Promoting accessibility, quality and diversity. | education higher education mobile schools assessment procedures information and communication technologies internet non-formal education multi-disciplinary courses credit system video conferencing | book |
1464 | Preservation of Philippine foods: A manual of principles and procedures. | food spoilage storage freezing salting drying smoking fermentation pickling canning pressure canning food additives fish meat fruits vegetables salted eggs | De Leon, S.Y.; Guzman, M.P. |
book |
220 | Pressures on Europe's common agricultural policy | cereal policy policy wine exports | Petit, Michael |
book |
1654 | Preview: Global status of commercialized transgenic crops: 2002. | transgenic crops soybean corn cotton canola | James, Clive |
book | isaaa briefs no.27 |
1387 | Pricing behavior in Philippine corn markets: implications for market efficiency | corn prices policies marketing production Philippines | Mendoza, M.S.; Rosegrant, M.W. |
book | ifpri research report no.101 |
1792 | Primer on administrative procedures for violations in protected areas. | administrative procedures apprehension verification report preparation seizure confiscation hearings prosecution forest products | Bonpin, T.T.; Perez, A.G. |
book | essentials of protected area management in the philippines, vol. 13 |
1896 | Primer on comprehensive land use planning. | land use planning legal references plan formulation | book |
1493 | Primer on criminal procedures for violations in protected areas for effective apprehension and prosecution : Essentials of protected area management in the Philippines, Volume 11. | protected areas forestry marine pollution NIPAS Act trial | book |
952 | Primer on illegal logging | Philippines, illegal logging, laws, regulation, Presidential decree, penalties, forest products, issuances, | book |
1303 | Primer on leafminers of vegetables in the Cordillera Administrative Region, Philippines. | insect pests leafminers life cycle | Joshi, Ravindra C.; Scheffer, Sonja J.; Verzola, Elizabeth A.; Baucas, Nicasio S. |
book |