List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
190 Palawan agro-industry investment opportunities Philippines agricultural profile investments Palawan cashew processing mango processing coconut processing rubber processing feed milling grain drying storage milling livestock poultry goat production agro-industry book

14268 Pandaigdigang katayuan ng komersyalisadong biotek/GM na pananim: 2016 - Executive summary genetically modified crops; biotechnology; distribution; seed market; food security; sustainability; climate change book isaaa brief no. 52

15830 Pangasius quality management and market access of small-scale farmers in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam water management; fish disease treatment; market access; fisheries; Pangasius; Vietnam

Le Nguyen Doan Khoi; Nguyen Phu Son; Tu Van Binh

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2012-2

770 Panimulang aklat ng magsasaka tungkol sa pagtatanim ng utaw sa palayan Philippines Soybeans Plant production Cropping patterns

Pandey, R.K.


1788 Paralegal training manual for protected areas. paralegalism rights constitution government NIPAS Act laws illegal logging penalties criminal offenses bioprospecting

Bonpin, T.T.

book essentials of protected area management in the philippines, vol. 12

2384 PARRFI professorial chair papers 1992-2006. garden pea seed production clubroot disease soil erosion bacterial wilt potato pine needle mulch weeds strawberry true potato seeds Phaseolus vulgaris biological nitrogen fixation piglets chrysanthemum snap bean banana cultivars bee pollination yam flour sweetpotato pesticides heavy metals vegetables insects root development root knot nematode peanut brittle sweet pepper medicinal plants cytokine mimetic properties rubber black stripe disease lakatan citrus durian oil palm book

1109 Participation in research or research for participation: its relevance to sustainable development sustainable development paradigms participatory approaches

Sajise, Percy E.


2725 Participatory biodiversity assessment: Enabling rural poor for better natural resource management. biodiversity assessment fungi bacteria species diversity

Dixit, S.; Tewari, J.C.; Wani, S.P.; Vineela, C.; Chaurasia, A.K.; Panchal, H.B.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 18

2681 Participatory curriculum development in agricultural education: a training guide. curriculum development education learning process

Rogers, Alan; Taylor, Peter


1955 Participatory development and gender analysis: Principles and tools : A resource material for trainers (Modules 1 to 5). participatory development gender analysis brainstorming method Card method participation empowerment gender sensitivity gender roles book