List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1854 Nutrition and development - a global assessment. human nutrition food health policies food security food quality food safety agricultural policies health policies population policies urbanization micronutrient deficiencies women book

1090 Nutrition throughout the life cycle nutrition health maintenance nutrients pregnancy human milk lactation maternal nutrition childhood aging education programs

Williams, S.R.; Roberts, B.S.


13142 Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems in practice - Options for intervention food production; diversification; sustainable intensification; agricultural production; food handling; storage; processing; livestock; fisheries; biodiversity; food; nutrition; biofortification; urban agriculture; peri-urban agriculture; food handling; storage; postharvest handling; processing; food fortification; food trade; food marketing; advertising practices; food price policies; healthy diets; food labelling; consumer demand; food preparation; food preferences; education; behavior change communication; income; social protection; school food and nutrition; food assistance; value chains; women empowerment; gender equality; food loss; waste; food quality; safety; hygiene

Uccello, Elvira; Kauffman, Domitille; Calo, Muriel; Streissel, Marie


13881 Nutrition-sensitive agriculture: What have we learned and where do we go from here agriculture; diets; impact evaluation; nutrition-sensitive programs; women empowerment; biofortification; homestead food production; gender; nutrition

Ruel, Marie T.; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Balagamwala, Mysbah

book ifpri discussion paper 01681

470 Nutrition: eating for good health. foods diets infant nutrition energy metabolism immune system safe food handling nutritional needs book usda agriculture information bulletin 685

1525 Nutritional disorders of grain sorghum. Nutritional disorders : Plant disorders leaves sorghum nitrogen deficiency calcium deficiency potassium phosphorus salinity sulfur iron

Grundon, N.J.; Edwards, D.G.; Takkar, P.N.; Asher, C.J.; Clark, R.B.

book aciar monograph no. 2

2601 Nutritional status of cocoa in Papua New Guinea. cocoa smallholder production price nutrition plant nutrients soil physical properties soil fertility soil mineralogy leaf size dry matter content

Nelson, Paul N.; Webb, Michael J.; Berthelsen, Suzanne; Curry, George; Yinil, David; Fidelis, Chris

book aciar technical reports no. 76

16395 Obstacles of Philippine SME's participation in global value chains SME; global value chains; challenges; policy implications

Francisco, Jamil Paolo S.; Canare, Tristan A.; Labios, Jean Rebecca D.

book pids research paper series no. 2019-05

16393 ODeL - Open and distance elearning: Shaping the future of teaching and learning distance learning; course development; institutional services; online courses; distance education; higher education

Alfonso, Grace J.; Garcia, Primo G. (Eds.)


813 Off-season production of horticultural crops plant production crops horticulture off season cultivation vegetable production fruit production flower production

Petersen, Jon Bay (ed.)

book fftc book series no.41