List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15576 Operation One ASEAN: Towards Food Security in 2020 - SEARCA-DAAD Alumni Associations Regional Consultative Workshop food security; sustainable agriculture; rural development; higher education; poverty reduction; research; education book

1296 Operational Directives in the Implementation of Investment and Marketing Assistance Program. book

1483 Operational framework for sustainable development: A people's framework. sustainable development Philippine Agenda 21 indicators Bacon-Manito Geothermal Project Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources; Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development


13666 Operational plan for integrated disaster risk management 2014-2020 integrated disaster risk management; disaster risk financing; resilience; Asia and Pacific book

136 Operationalizing CARP in the Philippines uplands: problems, issues and recommendations Agrarian reform Local government Highlands Land use Tenure Philippines book fdc policy paper no.28

1282 Opportunities and initiatives in Philippine rice RD& E : Proceedings of the Philippine rice RD & E scholars' Forum. engineering soils agronomy crop protection plant breeding biotechnology chemistry socioeconomics

Redoña, E.D. (ed.)


560 Opportunities for diversification in a rainfed drought-prone rice-based farming system rice cultivation livestock farms crop diversification rainfed farming farming systems water resources forestry

Tateossian, P.

book farming sytems analysis paper no.6(e)

2119 Optimal water management under tank cascade system of Sri Lanka. irrigation tank irrigation system hydrological modeling groundwater movement water management Sri Lanka

Shinogi Yoshiyuki (ed.)


176 Optimization of agricultural resource use in Asia and the Pacific agricultural extension natural resources rural economy policies environment farm productivity rural areas poverty alleviation appropriate technology book

1440 Options for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in Guiyang, China: A cost-ancillary benefit analysis. greenhouse gas mitigation greenhouse gases coal-fired power plants air quality management air pollution ancillary health benefits air dispersion model China

Cao, Jing

book eepsea research reports 2004-rr2