List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2218 Fisheries policy research in developing countries: Issues, priorities and needs. fisheries policy research food security trade supply and demand fishery products

Mahfuzuddin Ahmed; Delgado, Christopher; Sverdrup-Jensen, Sten; Santos, Rowena Andrea V. (eds.)


15478 Fisheries vulnerability assessment tool (FishVool): Instructional manual fisheries; assessment tool; data collection; climate change; vulnerability

Aguila, Angela Camille M.; Calderon, Gilda Joannah A.; Santos, Sherwin B.; Santos, Mudjekeewis D.


1041 Fishers of the Visayas: Visayas Maritime Anthropological Studies I: 1991-1993 fisheries fishing economic aspects social aspects gender roles Visayas Philippines

Iwao Ushijima; Zayas, Cynthia N. (eds.)


1037 Fishing industry in Asia and the Pacific fishing industry marine fisheries aquaculture government participation book

2478 Flexible, open and distance teaching and learning: A guide : Advice and information about the development and delivery of flexible, open and distance education resources at Curtin University distance education learning materials educational technologies open learning educational technologies audio video conferencing broadcast television electronic mail world wide web

Boyd, Anna; Fox, Robert; Herrmann, Allan


2228 Flow: The essentials of environmental flows. water infrastructure rivers groundwater systems environmental flow cost and benefits

Dyson, Megan; Bergkamp, Ger; Scanlon, John (eds.)


433 Flowering time, climate and genotype climate plant development genotype radiation shoot structure maturity genotype

Aitken, Yvonne


1948 Folk crafts in Thailand: A collection and study of wickerwork. handicrafts basketry hat cooking utensils fish traps wickerwork farm implements Thailand

Kongkananda, Manote


223 Food and agricultural marketing development in Asia: Experiences and future directions Bangladesh Bhutan Peoples Republic of China India Indonesia Republic of Korea Malaysia Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Cooperative marketing Legislations Infrastructure Marketing government organization book

1775 Food for the billions : Asia-Pacific Round Table on Sustainable Agriculture [Proceedings]. food security food safety biotechnology sustainable agriculture Green revolution natural toxins chemical residues food labelling integrated pest management precision farming health rural transformation book