List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1767 Farmer first : Farmer innovation and agricultural research. farmers agroforestry community appraisal on-farm research interactive research farmer participation technology development

Chambers, R.; Pacey, A.; Thrupp, L.A. (eds.)


2469 Farmer participatory extension training workshop: Summary of workshop contributions and outputs extension farmer participatory technology development aquaculture participatory planning sustainability Cambodia book

1289 Farmer participatory research on coconut diversity : Workshop report on methods and field protocols. farmers coconut genetic resources participatory approaches

Eyzaguirre, Pablo B.; Batugal, Pons


1285 Farmer's primer on growing soybean on riceland. soybean tillage fertilizer planting harvesting yields cropping systems growth stages

Pandey, R.K.


2311 Farmer-led integrated watershed management: Trainers' resource book. integrated watershed management social profiling gender analysis empowerment participation food security community forestry marginal land rehabilitation

Sen, Chandra K.; Partap, Tej; Sharma, Prem N. (eds.)


1869 Farmer-led organizations in natural resources management. natural resources management farmers associations research upland local organizations watershed management community-based forest management Landcare approach community organizing integrated area development social capital partnership MYRADA

Gonsalves, J.F.; Queblatin, E.E. (eds.)


13104 Farmers' adaptation to climate change and their risk preferences, Yongqaio District, China climate change; farmers' adaptation; risk preferences

Jin Jianjun; Gao Yiwai; Wang Xiaomin; Pham Khanh Nam

book eepsea research reports 2015-rr14

14419 Farmers' crop varieties and farmers' rights: Challenges in taxonomy and law plant varieties; agrobiodiversity conservation; farmers; agriculture; taxonomy; law; genetic diversity; policy; rights book

14418 Farmers' handbook on introduced and local banana cultivars in the Philippines banana; cultivars; introduced cultivars; local cultivars; diseases; insect pest

dela Cruz Jr., FS; Gueco, LS; Damasco, OP; Huelgas, VC; dela Cueva, FM; Dizon, TO; Sison, MLJ; Banasihan, IG; Sinohin, VO; Molina Jr., AB


2642 Farming systems and poverty: Improving farmers' livelihoods in a changing world. farming systems poverty hunger agriculture

Dixon, John; Gulliver, Aidan; Gibbon, David
