List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
200 Financial considerations of executive compensation and retirement plans: Accounting, Actuary, Tax and Plan Design incentive compensation pension retirement plans tax ramifications capital accumulation

Chingos, Peter T.; Cronquist, Neil R.; Elinsky, Peter I.; Gill, Charles W.; Walters, Michael J.


265 Financial innovation in rural credit markets: The Philippine case financial system financial innovation case studies cooperatives policies rural banks formal sector livelihood programs women

Abiad, Virginia G.

book visiting research fellow monograph series no.211

1219 Financial management handbook. capital investment financial control financial structure money management

Vale, Philip A.


1727 Financial opening under the WTO agreement in selected Asian countries: Progress and issues. liberalization financial services WTO GATS trade banks

Yun-Hwan Kim

book erd working paper series no. 24

2515 Financial services integration and consolidated supervision: Some issues to consider for the Philippines. financial services banks and banking

Milo, Melanie R.S.

book perspective paper series no. 6

1823 Financing agricultural research: A sourcebook. agriculture research financial policy public research cooperation regional development development agencies private loans Africa Asia Australia Latin America

Tabor, S.R.; Janssen, W.; Bruneau, H. (eds.)


13635 Financing higher education - Worldwide perspective and policy options higher education; finance; industrialization; tuition fees

Johnstone, D. Bruce

book thf working paper series no.6/2015

2645 Financing options for millennium development goals of the Philippines. millennium development goals human development poverty malnutrition education health water supply and sanitation employment income governance book

2856 Financing programs for micro enterprises. laons enterprises book

350 Financing public sector development expenditure in selected countries: Bangladesh government budget tax structure investment saving public enterprises

Abdul Ghafur; Chowdhury, O. H.
