ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14179 | Facing an uncertain future - How forests and people can adapt to climate change | forest adaptation; tropical forest; climate change; ecosystem services; vulnerability; policies | Locatelli, Bruno; Kanninen, Markku; Brockhaus, Maria; Pierce Colfer, Carol J.; Murdiyarso, Daniel; Santoso, Heru |
book |
2995 | Facing the challenges of climate change and food security. | climate change food security agriculture innovations climate smart farming mitigation | book |
2914 | Facts and myths about organic fertilizers. | organic fertilizers soil conditioners soil productivity crops nutrient cycles soil nutrients organic fertilizers green manure inorganic fertilizers farm wastes crop residue soil organic matter rice straw recycling farm wastes biofertilizers mineral fertilizers | Mamaril, Cezar P.; Castillo, Michelle B.; Sebastian, Leocadio S. |
book |
931 | Faidherbia albida in the West African semi-arid tropics : Proceedings of a workshop, Niamey Niger, Apr 22-26, 1991 | germplasm collection nutritive value silviculture symbiosis rhizosphere | Vandenbeldt, R.J. (ed.) |
book |
1368 | Farm animal housing and welfare | animal housing housing design livestock cattle | Baxter, S.H.; Baxter, M.R.; MacCormack, J.A.D. (eds.) |
book |
3049 | Farm management and environment of rainfed agriculture in Laos. | agricultural management research agriculture classification agriculture trend subsistence agriculture rice farming operations farm diversification cattle bank fallow period livestock | Ryuichi Yamada |
book | jircas international agriculture series no.23 |
2032 | Farm pesticides, rice production, and human health in China. | pesticides pests rice crop diseases farmers knowledge attitudes practices chemical pesticides health impairment China | Jikun Huang; Fangbin Qiao; Linxiu Zhang; Rozelle, Scott |
book |
601 | Farm planning by distance learning approach | environment assessment land capability land resources distance learning farm analysis | book |
167 | Farm-level Irrigation Water Management | Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand irrigation development water management water resource development policy irrigation management | book |
1873 | Farmer field schools: Emerging issues and challenges. | farmer field school education integrated pest management gender mainstreaming policy development forest management plant breeding community participation indigenous knowledge technology development monitoring evaluation agrobiodiversity silvicultural practices social learning Asia Indonesia Africa Egypt Nepal Kenya China Philippines Sri Lanka Pakistan Peru Sudan Vietnam | book |