List of Books : 3864

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1368 Farm animal housing and welfare animal housing housing design livestock cattle

Baxter, S.H.; Baxter, M.R.; MacCormack, J.A.D. (eds.)


3049 Farm management and environment of rainfed agriculture in Laos. agricultural management research agriculture classification agriculture trend subsistence agriculture rice farming operations farm diversification cattle bank fallow period livestock

Ryuichi Yamada

book jircas international agriculture series no.23

2032 Farm pesticides, rice production, and human health in China. pesticides pests rice crop diseases farmers knowledge attitudes practices chemical pesticides health impairment China

Jikun Huang; Fangbin Qiao; Linxiu Zhang; Rozelle, Scott


601 Farm planning by distance learning approach environment assessment land capability land resources distance learning farm analysis book

167 Farm-level Irrigation Water Management Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand irrigation development water management water resource development policy irrigation management book

1873 Farmer field schools: Emerging issues and challenges. farmer field school education integrated pest management gender mainstreaming policy development forest management plant breeding community participation indigenous knowledge technology development monitoring evaluation agrobiodiversity silvicultural practices social learning Asia Indonesia Africa Egypt Nepal Kenya China Philippines Sri Lanka Pakistan Peru Sudan Vietnam book

1767 Farmer first : Farmer innovation and agricultural research. farmers agroforestry community appraisal on-farm research interactive research farmer participation technology development

Chambers, R.; Pacey, A.; Thrupp, L.A. (eds.)


2469 Farmer participatory extension training workshop: Summary of workshop contributions and outputs extension farmer participatory technology development aquaculture participatory planning sustainability Cambodia book

1289 Farmer participatory research on coconut diversity : Workshop report on methods and field protocols. farmers coconut genetic resources participatory approaches

Eyzaguirre, Pablo B.; Batugal, Pons


1285 Farmer's primer on growing soybean on riceland. soybean tillage fertilizer planting harvesting yields cropping systems growth stages

Pandey, R.K.
