List of Books : 3864

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1960 Excess investment and efficiency loss during reforms : The case of provincial-level fixed asset investment in People's Republic of China. investment China

Duo Qin; Haiyan Song

book erd working paper series no. 47

20 Exchange controls: the path to economic recovery in Asia?. exchange controls economic recovery Malaysia book edrc briefing notes number 4

2614 Executive guide to intellectual property management in health and agricultural innovation: A handbook of best practices. intellectual property management innovation policies inventors inventions technologies patents patenting product licensing entrepreneurship

Krattiger, Anatole; et al.


1435 Existence value: A re-appraisal and cross-cultural comparison. rain forest conservation environmental protection forestry citizen participation Papua New Guinea United States

Manoka, B.

book eepsea research reports 2001-rr1

1968 Experience of Asian asset management companies: Do they increase moral hazard? - Evidence from Thailand. financial system asset management macroeconomic impact banks Thailand

Akiko Terada-Hagiwara; Pasadilla, Gloria

book erd working paper series no. 55

2530 Experience of crisis-hit Asian countries: Do asset management companies increase moral hazard? asset management bank management financial crises moral hazard

Terada-Hagiwara, Akiko; Pasadilla, Gloria

book pids research paper series no. 2005-01

1183 Experiences and lessons learned at the Department of Agriculture. bureaucracy policy concerns

Escudero, Salvador H.

book working paper no. 99-08

1185 Experiences and lessons learned at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. decision making governance bureaucracy

Ramos, Victor O.

book working paper no. 99-10

1268 Experiences in sustainable agriculture in Southeast Asia. sustainable agriculture farming systems organic matter

Kamaruddin Abdullah; Miyato Higaki (eds.)


3104 Experiencing and coping with change: women-headed farming households in the Eastern Gangetic Plains. climate-resilient agriculture women-headed households women in agriculture climate change effects women's multiple roles farming practices changes

Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt

book aciar technical report series