ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2874 | Empowerment of rural women in Afro-Asian region: Opportunities and challenges : Report of the 29th RECA seminar held on 8-21 July 2007, Tokyo, Japan. | women empowerment agricultural cooperatives gender development entrepreneurship | book |
15703 | Endangered beauty: Mt. Malindang and its environs in Mindanao, Philippines | human and societal issues; cultural diversity; species diversity; ecosystem diversity; geography; Mt. Malindang; Mindanao | Lagunzad, Catherine B.; Ong, Perry S. |
book |
504 | Energy management and agriculture | energy energy economics farm mechanization solar energy geothermal energy nitrogen fixation anaerobic digestion | Robinson, D.W.; Mollan, R.C. (eds.) |
book |
1072 | Energy technology handbook | technology coal gas petroleum chemical fuels nuclear energy solar energy geothermal energy technology hydropower technology trends | Considine, Douglas M. (ed.) |
book |
13993 | Engaging the private sector financing adaptation to climate change: Learning from practice | climate change adaptation; finance | Fayolle, Virginie; Fouvet, Caroline; Soundarajan, Vidya; Nath, Vandana; Acharya, Sunil; Gupta, Naman; Petrarulo, Luca |
book |
1071 | Engineering heat transfer: SI version | heat transfer | Welty, James R. |
book |
1871 | English textbook of pasture farming in Kazakhstan (with fundamental ecology). | pastures farming pasture plants propagation feeds | Asanov, K.A.; Shakh, B.P.; Alimayev, I.I.; Pryanishnikov, S.N. |
book | jircas working report no. 33 |
1756 | Enhanced bioavailability of iron from mungbeans and its effects on health of schoolchildren. | mungbean consumption production iron recipes feeding trial | Vijayalakshmi, P.S.; Amirthaveni, S.; Devadas, R.P.; Weinberger, K.; Tsou, S.C.S.; Shanmugasundaram, S. |
book | technical bulletin no. 30 |
14262 | Enhanced climate-smart farmers' field school - Program manual for trainors | meteorology and climatology; crop management; corn production; agro-ecosystem; organic fertilizer; adaptation; integrated farming system | book |
1803 | Enhancing and sustaining stakeholders' participation in watershed management. | watershed management Local Government Units communities indigenous people water pricing Philippines | book | general technical report series 9 |