List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1790 Ecological glossary for protected area managers. endangered species evolution of species fossilization food chains greenhouse effect mangrove forest ozone layer photosynthesis soil sustainability

Ashton-Jones, N.J.

book essentials of protected area management in the philippines, vol. 3

9 Ecological indicators for the assessment of the quality of air, water, soil, and ecosystems: Papers presented at a symposium held in Utrecht, October 1982. ecotoxicology environmental quality biological indicators lichens pollution ecological indicator water quality

Best, E.P.H.; Haeck, J. (eds.)


15842 Ecological succession in areas covered by gold, copper mine tailings in Benguet, Philippines ecological succession; mine tailings; contaminated soils

Cuevas, Virginia C.; Balangcod, Teodora D.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2014-4

1488 Ecologically appropriate agri-culture : A manual of ecological agri-culture development for smallholders in development areas forest agri-culture development soil water ecological desctruction Ifugao Yucatan rural development erosion watershed management environmental conservation farmer technologies hydraulic system shifting cultivation land use forest management

Neugebauer, Bernd


1306 Ecologically-based management of rodent pests. rodenticides Rattus norvegicus Mus domesticus Hantaviruses Arenaviruses

Singleton, G.R.; Hinds, L.A.; Leirs, H.; Zhibin Zhang (eds.)

book aciar monograph no.59

2819 Ecology and genetics of hill dipterocarp forest - to aim sustainable forest management. dipterocarp forest Shorea curtisii species composition pollen dispersal male fecundity logging criteria

Tani, N.; Otani, T. (eds.)

book jircas working report no. 76

1129 Ecology of grassland in Southeast Asia grassland

Sajise, Percy E.


444 Ecology of root pathogens. fungi pathogenic bacteria parasitic nematodes viruses biological control agrobacterium corynebacterium Xanthomonas Pseudomonas Erwinia Streptomyces

Krupa, S.V.; Dommergues, Y.R. (eds.)

book development in agricultural and managed-forest ecology, 5

15714 Ecology, environment, and sustainable development: Reflections spanning five decades natural resource management; agroecosystem analysis; upland degradation; biodiversity; indigenous knowledge systems; sustainable development; ecology; environmental education

Sajise, Percy E.


2031 Econometric analysis of the causes of forest land use changes in Hainan, China. forests and forestry sustainable forestry forest management rainforest conservation forest policy economic reform land allocation China

Yaoqi Zhang; Jussi Uusivuori; Jari Kuuluvainen
