ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1420 | Does the Philippine economy suffer from HIV/AIDS? : An alternative view of development. | Little, Frank M. |
book | working paper no. 00-01 |
343 | Doing business in the Philippines | Philippines, foreign investment, trade opportunities, investment incentives, banking system, export, business enterprise, taxation, accounting principles, | book |
1217 | Doing business in the Philippines. | foreign investment trade opportunities banking system taxation labor relations exporting | book |
2753 | Doing business in Vietnam and the Philippines: Information and experiences. | economy rice trade import investment taxation Vietnam Philippines | book |
292 | Domestication and commercialization of non-timber forest products in agroforestry systems | product development indigenous knowledge ethnobotany commercialization non-timber forest products marketing product domestication policies shea nut farmer adoption | Leakey, R.R.B.; Temu, A.B.; Melnyk, M.; Vantomme, P. (eds.) |
book | non-wood forest products no.9 |
2161 | Domestication of Chukrasia. | Chukrasia domestication tree improvement propagation nomenclature botanical description silviculture insect pests uses distribution climatic requirements soil requirements phytosociology provenance seed storage propagation reproductive biology genetic variation genetic conservation | Pinyopusarerk, K.; Kalinganire, A. |
book |
1327 | Domestication of tropical trees for timber and non-timber products. | timber pulp fuelwood drugs tissue culture vegetative propagation genetic conservation sexual propagation germplasm land use | Leakey, Roger R.B.; Newton, Adrian C. (eds.) |
book | mab digest 17 |
977 | Draught animal power in the Asian-Australasian region | draught animals water buffalo cattle rural development feed resources government policies animal feeding herbivores | Pryor, W.J. (ed.) |
book |
976 | Draught animal systems and management: An Indonesian study | draught animals feeding practices animal breeding animal housing veterinary care economic evaluation Indonesia | Teleni, E.; Campbell, R.S.F.; Hoffmann, D. (eds.) |
book | aciar monograph no.19 |
1412 | Dynamics and its control of soils in tropical monsoon regions: Report of survey and research in Thailand. | soils site selection soil chemicophysical properties organic wastes soil amelioration root morphology | Tomio Yoshida; Sorasith Vacharotayan (eds.) |
book |