List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1420 Does the Philippine economy suffer from HIV/AIDS? : An alternative view of development.

Little, Frank M.

book working paper no. 00-01

343 Doing business in the Philippines Philippines, foreign investment, trade opportunities, investment incentives, banking system, export, business enterprise, taxation, accounting principles, book

1217 Doing business in the Philippines. foreign investment trade opportunities banking system taxation labor relations exporting book

2753 Doing business in Vietnam and the Philippines: Information and experiences. economy rice trade import investment taxation Vietnam Philippines book

292 Domestication and commercialization of non-timber forest products in agroforestry systems product development indigenous knowledge ethnobotany commercialization non-timber forest products marketing product domestication policies shea nut farmer adoption

Leakey, R.R.B.; Temu, A.B.; Melnyk, M.; Vantomme, P. (eds.)

book non-wood forest products no.9

2161 Domestication of Chukrasia. Chukrasia domestication tree improvement propagation nomenclature botanical description silviculture insect pests uses distribution climatic requirements soil requirements phytosociology provenance seed storage propagation reproductive biology genetic variation genetic conservation

Pinyopusarerk, K.; Kalinganire, A.


1327 Domestication of tropical trees for timber and non-timber products. timber pulp fuelwood drugs tissue culture vegetative propagation genetic conservation sexual propagation germplasm land use

Leakey, Roger R.B.; Newton, Adrian C. (eds.)

book mab digest 17

977 Draught animal power in the Asian-Australasian region draught animals water buffalo cattle rural development feed resources government policies animal feeding herbivores

Pryor, W.J. (ed.)


976 Draught animal systems and management: An Indonesian study draught animals feeding practices animal breeding animal housing veterinary care economic evaluation Indonesia

Teleni, E.; Campbell, R.S.F.; Hoffmann, D. (eds.)

book aciar monograph no.19

1412 Dynamics and its control of soils in tropical monsoon regions: Report of survey and research in Thailand. soils site selection soil chemicophysical properties organic wastes soil amelioration root morphology

Tomio Yoshida; Sorasith Vacharotayan (eds.)
