ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2250 | Development of early-warning systems for mitigating the risk caused by climate disasters through technological enhancement of resource monitoring .. : Proceedings of the Workshop on Japan-China Collaborative Research Project. | Proceedings of the Workshop on Japan-China Collaborative Research Project. | remote sensing geographic information system rapid mapping method drought natural disasters fishes rice growth model early warning system crop models data sharing | Satoshi Uchida; Osamu Koyama (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 44 |
2253 | Development of low-input technology for reducing postharvest losses of staples in Southeast Asia. | rice postharvest losses quality evaluation insect pests natural enemies insects stored rice pests paddy drying Theocolax elegans maize weevil water soluble polysaccharide temperature botanicals aromatic plants antifungal insect growth inhibitory drying toxicity | Mori, Y.; Yoshihashi, T.; Nakahara, K.; Nakamura, S. (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 45 |
2241 | Development of new technologies and their practice for sustainable farming systems in the Mekong Delta. | rice production nitrogen fertilizer high-yielding rice cultivars livestock production water spinach pig production digestibility feed intake live weight gain citrus nursery certification freshwater prawn nitrogen phosphorus land use planning Mekong Delta | book | jircas working report no. 26 |
14901 | Development of subsurface drainage and water-saving irrigation technology for mitigation of soil salinization in Uzbekistan | water utilization; mitigation; soil salinization; salts; salt removal technology; Uzbekistan | book | jircas working report no. 88 |
2706 | Development of supply and demand models of rice in lower Mekong River basin countries: REMEW-Mekong. | rice econometric model endogenous water Lao PDR Cambodia Thailand Vietnam Mekong River | Furuya, Jun |
book | jircas working report no. 68 |
2821 | Development of survey method for freshwater lens in Marshall Islands. | water resources global warming groundwater level groundwater storage freshwater-saltwater interfaces | Kobayashi, Tsutomu; Koda, Kazuhisa (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 77 |
1751 | Development of sustainable agricultural system in Northeast Thailand through local resource utilization and technology improvement. | saline groundwater remote sensing GIS reservoirs water resources water management organic matter fertilizer application sustainable agriculture land use land evaluation participatory method nitrogen cycle nutrient balance sugarcane cultivars feed crops nitrogen fertilizer roughage dairy cattle Holstein crossbred cows soybean meal rice straw corn silage forages farm management subsoiling sugarcane planter direct seeding hydroponics vegetable production bagasse silage feed management cattle feces | Ito, O.; Matsumoto, N. (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 30 |
2976 | Development of sustainable agro-pastoral system in the dry areas of Northeast Asia. | agro-pastoral dry areas animal husbandry market economy | Kazunobu Toriyama; Sishi Yamasaki |
book |
1936 | Development of sustainable agro-pastoral systems in the subtropical zone of Brazil. | agro-pastoral systems grassland management soybean yield soil fertility liveweight gain nitrogen termites nutrient recycling Brachiaria humidicola land conservation forage breeding grasses | Suenaga, K.; Oshibe, A.; Taniguchi, T. (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 36 |
2728 | Development of sustainable forestry plantations in China: a review. | forest plantation eucalyptus domestication species selection tree breeding nursery practices silvicultural practices wood quality China | Turnbull, John W. |
book | impact assessment series 45 |