List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1093 Data needs for food policy in developing countries: new directions for household surveys Food security Households Data collection Developing countries Food policies Information needs Surveys

Von Braun, J.; Puetz, D. (eds.)


1056 Database systems for management management information system database systems computer software data modeling

Courtney, J. F., Jr.; Paradice, D. B.


360 Dealing with people you can't stand: how to bring out the best in people at their worst interpersonal relations interpersonal communication

Brinkman, R.; Kirschner, R.


2303 Debating NGO accountability. organizational accountability nongovernmental organizations

Bendell, Jem


16638 Debating the prospects of nuclear energy in the Philippines - Proceedings 2023 nuclear energy; sustainable development; renewable; solar energy; Philippines book

2770 Decentralised governance in a hybrid polity: Localisation of decentralisation reform in Cambodia. government policy decentralization deconcentration

Seiha, Heng; Sedara, Kim; Sokbunthoeun, So

book cdri working paper series no. 63

2769 Decentralised governance of irrigation water in Cambodia: Matching principles to local realities. irrigation governance service fee

Chou, Chea; Phirun, Nang; Whitehead, Isabelle; Hirsch, Phillip; Thompson, Anna

book cdri working paper series no. 62

1034 Decentralization and resource taxation for coastal fishery management coastal fisheries fishery resources resource management taxation policy reforms exploitation Philippines

Cruz, Wilfrido D.

book department of economics discussion paper series no.88-05

2056 Decentralizing natural resources management: Emerging lessons from ICRAF collaboration in Southeast Asia. forest management decentralization community-based forest management SANREM Landcare landcare conservation team Claveria Landcare Association conservation farming

Lai, Chun K.; Catacutan, Delia C.; Mercado, Agustin R. Jr.


2894 Deciphering the scriptures on Philippine Grammatophyllum. Grammatophyllum conservation cultivation species variability speciation

Tiu, Danilo A.
