ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15606 | Data Management for Rural Development (DMRD) Course Guide | data processing; course guide; DMRD; database management system; data requirements; statistics; decision-making; development project formulation; research results; survey report | book |
1093 | Data needs for food policy in developing countries: new directions for household surveys | Food security Households Data collection Developing countries Food policies Information needs Surveys | Von Braun, J.; Puetz, D. (eds.) |
book |
1056 | Database systems for management | management information system database systems computer software data modeling | Courtney, J. F., Jr.; Paradice, D. B. |
book |
360 | Dealing with people you can't stand: how to bring out the best in people at their worst | interpersonal relations interpersonal communication | Brinkman, R.; Kirschner, R. |
book |
2303 | Debating NGO accountability. | organizational accountability nongovernmental organizations | Bendell, Jem |
book |
16638 | Debating the prospects of nuclear energy in the Philippines - Proceedings 2023 | nuclear energy; sustainable development; renewable; solar energy; Philippines | book |
2770 | Decentralised governance in a hybrid polity: Localisation of decentralisation reform in Cambodia. | government policy decentralization deconcentration | Seiha, Heng; Sedara, Kim; Sokbunthoeun, So |
book | cdri working paper series no. 63 |
2769 | Decentralised governance of irrigation water in Cambodia: Matching principles to local realities. | irrigation governance service fee | Chou, Chea; Phirun, Nang; Whitehead, Isabelle; Hirsch, Phillip; Thompson, Anna |
book | cdri working paper series no. 62 |
1034 | Decentralization and resource taxation for coastal fishery management | coastal fisheries fishery resources resource management taxation policy reforms exploitation Philippines | Cruz, Wilfrido D. |
book | department of economics discussion paper series no.88-05 |
2056 | Decentralizing natural resources management: Emerging lessons from ICRAF collaboration in Southeast Asia. | forest management decentralization community-based forest management SANREM Landcare landcare conservation team Claveria Landcare Association conservation farming | Lai, Chun K.; Catacutan, Delia C.; Mercado, Agustin R. Jr. |
book |