List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2295 Compliance of paper-making plants with environmental regulations in Bac Ninh Province, Vietnam. paper industry pollution prevention paper-making plants environmental regulations Vietnam

Nguyen Mau Dung

book research report no. 2008-rr9

2245 Compost production: A manual for Asian farmers. composting raw materials equipment organic fertilizers

Zueng-Sang Chen; Gloria, Cristina B. (eds.)


2378 Comprehensive studies on the development of sustainable soybean production technology in South America. soybean production molecular analysis abiotic stress breeding drought tolerance DNA markers cyst nematode agro-pastoral system biological nitrification inhibition

Suenaga, K.; Kudo, H.; Oshio, S. (eds.)

book jircas working report no. 51

15758 Computation of spatial price index for the poor price index; commodities; poverty

Sta. Ana, Rosie B.; Varona, Elena G.


1906 Conceptual framework and planning guidelines for integrated coastal area and river basin management. river basin management integrated coastal area planning process information management environmental impact assessment book

1651 Conceptual issues in the role of education decentralization in promoting effective schooling in Asian developing countries. education school effectiveness decentralization

Behrman, Jere R.; Deolalikar, Anil B.; Lee-Ying Soon

book erd working paper series no.22

513 Concerns for sustainability: integration of natural resource and environmental issues in the research agendas of NARS Environmental impact Environmental policies Natural resources Research management Resource management Sustainability

Crosson, P.; Anderson, J.R.

book isnar research report no.4

961 Conducting on-farm animal research: Procedures and economic analysis animal research farming systems technology design animal production small farms livestock economic benefits animal feeds marketing products prices risks

Pervaiz Amir; Knipscheer, Hendrick C.


1237 Conformational analysis: Scope and present limitations. nuclear magnetic resonance nitrogen heterocycles

Chiurdoglu, G. (ed.)


2917 Consequences of Bt cotton technology importation in the Philippines. cotton industry economics seeds farm level analysis social benefits genetically modified products

Chupungco, Agnes R.; Rola, Agnes C.; Elazegui, Dulce D. (eds.)
