ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2938 | Conservation agriculture in Southeast Asia and beyond. | conservation agriculture practices extension erosion prevention methods maize production conservation agriculture research analytic hierarchy process uplands environmental conservation carbon sequestration cross cutting research soil carbon dynamics legume integrtion | Mulvaney, Michael J.; Reyes, Manuel R.; Halbrendt, Catherine C.; Boulakia, Stephane; Kaesorn Jumpa; Chinapatana Sukvibool; Samran Sombatpanit |
book | waswac special publication no. 7 |
15546 | Conservation agriculture: A biological engineering approach to sustainable agriculture in support of rural development in Southeast Asia - SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph 1 | conservation agriculture; biological engineering; sustainable agriculture; rural development; professorial chair | Ella, Victor B. |
book |
2093 | Conservation and ecological management of Philippine lakes in relation to fisheries and aquaculture. | lakes ecological awareness sustainable development aquaculture practices bathymetry hydrobiology eutrophication parasitic crustaceans zooplankton tilapia stock assessment fish culture Mistichthys luzonensis Sinarapan Sardinella tawilis ecological assessment cage culture man-made lake freshwater red alga environmental assessment | book |
1114 | Conservation ethic as a conscience of Philippine society | Philippines natural resources conservation | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
401 | Conservation of biological diversity in the Philippines | biodiversity sustainable development | book | pcarrd book series no.132 |
1781 | Conservation of genetic resources in tropical forest management: Principles and concepts. | genetic diversity ecosystem conservation regeneration silviculture timber harvesting protected areas | book | fao forestry paper 107 |
853 | Conserving the wild relatives of crops | crop plants genes wild species genebanks genetic uniformity | Hoyt, Erich |
book |
1097 | Consistency of foodstuffs | liquid foods gel-like foods fibriform foods cellularform foods edible oils powdered foods sensory assessment viscosity elasticity texture | Toshimaro Sone |
book |
555 | Constraints and opportunities for diversification in a rice-based farming system | Plant production Animal production Farming systems beef cattle production livestock production | Harippriya Karunaratne |
book | farming systems analysis paper no.11(e) |
2494 | Constraints to high yields on Asian rice farms: An interim report. | rice biological constraints socioeconomic constraints technology | book |