List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7 Crop production: principles and practices Crop production Crop plants Botany Environmental factors Forage crops Field Crops Crop research

Metcalfe, Darrel S.; Elkins, Donald M.


13612 Crop yields and global food security: Will yield increase to continue to feed the world crops; crop area; yields; farm yield; technology; weather; soil; wheat; rice; maize; soybean; sugarcane; cassava; oil palm; potato; sweetpotato; peanut; sunflower; rapeseed; maize; climate change; adaptation; mitigation; policies; resource use; productivity; genetic engineering; intellectual property;

Fischer, Tony; Byerlee, Derek; Edmeades, Greg


631 Crop-livestock integration in slopeland areas livestocks sustainable technologies nutrient conservation

Koh, C.C.; Aglibut, F.B.; Villar, E.C.

book fftc book series no.48

2380 Crop-livestock linkages in watersheds of Andhra Pradesh. watersheds livestock production dryland agriculture monitoring fodder trees milk production

Subrahmanyam, S.; Bezkorowajnyj, Peter; Shiferaw, Bekele; Wani, S.P.; Parthasarathy Rao, P.; Nageswara Rao, G.D.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 29

1250 Crops and cropping systems. cropping systems fiber crops root crops upland rice cultivation agroforestry intercropping rice paddy book agroforestry technology information kit (atik) 3

2693 Cross-sectoral partnerships in enhancing human security. environment fires and haze acid rain deforestation regional cooperation civil society Southeast Asia Thailand Indonesia Korea

Noda, Pamela J. (ed.)


2879 Crossing boundaries: Celebrating 20 years of environmental research in Cagayan Valley and Sierra Madre. logging reforestation forest upland farming land use biodiversity coastal resources Philippine crocodile Northeast Luzon Cagayan Valley Sierra Madre Aparri

Persoon, Gerard; Masipiqueña, Andres; Van Der Ploeg, Jan; Masipiqueña, Mercedes; Van Weerd, Merlijn (eds.)


1711 Cryopreservation of tropical plant germplasm : Current research progress and application. plant genetic resources cryopreservation freezing vitrification medicinal plants yam Lansium domesticum Baccaurea Passiflora coffee melon conifers cassava sweet potato shoot apices

Engelmann, Florent; Hiroko Takagi (eds.)


2804 CSO experiences in strengthening rural poor organizations in Asia. empowerment of the poor social capital capacity development coalitions landcare participatory local governance community-based coastal resource management indigenous people ancestral domain management women book

814 Cultivation and utilization of aquatic legumes, especially Sesbania rostrata in Northeast Thailand. Sesbania rostrata cultivation green manures Oryza sativa nitrogen fixation uses cultivation Thailand

Patcharapreecha, P.; Taja, D.; Wada, H.

book adrc technical paper no.11