List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2587 Designing a choice modelling survey to value the health and environmental impacts of air pollution from the transport sector in the Jakarta ... air pollution health impacts environmental impacts air pollution control policies cost benefit analysis

Amalia, Mia

book eepsea research report no. 2010-rr3

2572 Designing a procurement auction for reducing sedimentation: A field experiment in Indonesia. environmental services procurement auction watershed sedimentation reduction

Leimona, Beria; Jack, Brooke Kelsey; Lusiana, Betha; Pasha, Rachman

book eepsea research report no. 2009-rr10

319 Designing strategies and policies for managing structural change in Asia policies development strategies environment

Ifzal Ali

book adb economic staff paper no. 47

897 Destructive and useful insects: Their habits and control Insects Morphology Insecticides Physiology Biochemistry Insect control

Metcalf, C.L.; Flint, W.P.


3023 Determinants of flash flood evacuation choices and assessment of preferences for flash floods warning channels : The case study of Thailand. flash floods households torrential rains disaster warning behavioral responses warning channels flash flood evacuation

Kannika Thampanishvong


15767 Determinants of food security of some vulnerable rural households in the Central Dry Zone, Myanmar vulnerable rural households; coping strategy; food security status; Central Dry Zone; Myanmar

Theingi Myint; Hnin Yu Lwin; Thuzar Linn; Ye Mon Aung


2580 Determinants of household decisions on adaptation to extreme climate events in Southeast Asia. climate change typhoons floods household adaptation

Francisco, H.A.; Predo, C.D.; Manasboonphempool, A.; Tran, P.; Jarungrattanapong, R.; The, B.D.; Peñalba, L.

book eepsea research report no. 2011-rr5

320 Determining irrigation charges: a framework Irrigation

Ghate, P.B.

book adb economic staff paper no.37

15833 Determining the impacts of SEAMEO SEARCA’s human resource development efforts in Southeast Asia human resource development; impact assessment

Brillantes, Jr., Alex B.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2012-5

13649 Developing a clean market chain for poultry products in Indonesia market chain; poultry; chicken; biosecurity; willingness to pay; slaughterhouses audit; healthy farm eggs

Patrick, Ian; Smith, Geoff; Hasnah; Ni Putu Sarini; Hasmida Karim; Bugie Kurnianto; Dewa Dharma; Anak Agung Sagung Putri Komaladara; Jubb, Tristan

book aciar technical reports 82