ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2587 | Designing a choice modelling survey to value the health and environmental impacts of air pollution from the transport sector in the Jakarta ... | air pollution health impacts environmental impacts air pollution control policies cost benefit analysis | Amalia, Mia |
book | eepsea research report no. 2010-rr3 |
2572 | Designing a procurement auction for reducing sedimentation: A field experiment in Indonesia. | environmental services procurement auction watershed sedimentation reduction | Leimona, Beria; Jack, Brooke Kelsey; Lusiana, Betha; Pasha, Rachman |
book | eepsea research report no. 2009-rr10 |
319 | Designing strategies and policies for managing structural change in Asia | policies development strategies environment | Ifzal Ali |
book | adb economic staff paper no. 47 |
897 | Destructive and useful insects: Their habits and control | Insects Morphology Insecticides Physiology Biochemistry Insect control | Metcalf, C.L.; Flint, W.P. |
book |
3023 | Determinants of flash flood evacuation choices and assessment of preferences for flash floods warning channels : The case study of Thailand. | flash floods households torrential rains disaster warning behavioral responses warning channels flash flood evacuation | Kannika Thampanishvong |
book |
15767 | Determinants of food security of some vulnerable rural households in the Central Dry Zone, Myanmar | vulnerable rural households; coping strategy; food security status; Central Dry Zone; Myanmar | Theingi Myint; Hnin Yu Lwin; Thuzar Linn; Ye Mon Aung |
book |
2580 | Determinants of household decisions on adaptation to extreme climate events in Southeast Asia. | climate change typhoons floods household adaptation | Francisco, H.A.; Predo, C.D.; Manasboonphempool, A.; Tran, P.; Jarungrattanapong, R.; The, B.D.; Peñalba, L. |
book | eepsea research report no. 2011-rr5 |
320 | Determining irrigation charges: a framework | Irrigation | Ghate, P.B. |
book | adb economic staff paper no.37 |
15833 | Determining the impacts of SEAMEO SEARCA’s human resource development efforts in Southeast Asia | human resource development; impact assessment | Brillantes, Jr., Alex B. |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2012-5 |
13649 | Developing a clean market chain for poultry products in Indonesia | market chain; poultry; chicken; biosecurity; willingness to pay; slaughterhouses audit; healthy farm eggs | Patrick, Ian; Smith, Geoff; Hasnah; Ni Putu Sarini; Hasmida Karim; Bugie Kurnianto; Dewa Dharma; Anak Agung Sagung Putri Komaladara; Jubb, Tristan |
book | aciar technical reports 82 |