List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
859 Diseases of field crops. plant diseases cereals grasses legumes tobacco flax cotton peanut soybean clover

Dickson, J.G.


385 Distance education in Asia and the Pacific, Volume II Indonesia Thailand Malaysia New Zealand Philippines distance education book

1815 Distance learning for basic education in Indonesia. education distance learning book

1441 Distribution of benefits and costs among stakeholders of a protected area: An empirical study from China. nature conservation environmental protection land use Fanjingshan Ziran Baohuqu biodiversity conservation China

Yazhen Gong

book eepsea research reports 2004-rr3

1954 Diversity and management of Phytophthora in Southeast Asia. plant pathogens Phytophthora diseases morphology black pod disease phosphonate botany nursery practices orchard management plastic mulches phosphorous acid biological control postharvest diseases phosphonate trunk injection isolation species identification black pepper cocoa coconut rubber durian papaya Southeast Asia Australia Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Queensland Thailand Vietnam

Drenth, Andre; Guest, David I.

book aciar monograph no. 114

14404 Do fishes want sex change fish; estrogens; filtration; solid phase extraction; ELISA; plasma vitellogenin; organosomatic indices; testicular histopathology; biomarker evaluation

Paraso, Michelle Grace V.; Clavecillas, Angelo A.; Morales, Justinne Kaye C.; Lola, Suzanneth Epifania G.


1425 Do institutions affect the performance of marine protected areas? Evidence from the Philippines. marine parks and reserves fishery management marine protected areas biodiversity Philippines

Javier, E.P.

book eepsea research reports 2003-rr5

1208 Do you want to change careers. employment benefits risks

Damaso, Jimeno M.


1196 Do you want to retire early. retirement

Damaso, Jimeno M.


105 Does the Philippine crop protection policy promote safe vegetable produce? crop protection policy pesticide policies vegetables Philippines

Rola, A.C.; Chupungco, A.R.; Roquia, F.H. Jr.; Tejada, A.W.; Hernandez, J.T.

book ispps working paper no.98-10