ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
480 | Developing world agriculture | agriculture crop production animal production agricultural machinery agricultural productivity poverty green revolution biomass energy agroforestry food security livestock | book |
1064 | Developing world water | water water management diseases drinking water surface water groundwater water treatment sanitation pumps irrigation drainage wastewater | book |
2167 | Development and agroforestry : Scaling up the impacts of research - Essays from Development in Practice. | agroforestry research and development participatory research methods domestication of agroforestry trees extension natural resource management slash and burn fodder shrubs conservation farming institutional innovations technologies Landcare Mexico Africa Kenya India Uganda Philippines | Franzel, Steven; Cooper, Peter; Denning, Glenn L. (eds.) |
book |
2736 | Development and characterization of blast resistance using differential varieties in rice. | Pyricularia oryzae blast resistance rice DNA marker analysis | Fukuta, Yoshimichi; Vera Cruz, Casiana M.; Kobayashi, Nobuya (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 63 |
2723 | Development and characterization of introgression lines of an indica-type rice variety, IR64, for unique agronomic traits. | rice breeding genetic characterization phenotypic characterization | Kobayashi, Nobuya; Fukuta, Yoshimichi; Ito, Osamu (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 66 |
2793 | Development and governance research: State of the art and annotated bibliography | community development development communication development management social development agriculture rural development forest development and management governance policy | book |
1608 | Development and management of cities : networking and cooperation. | networking and cooperation. | Cities networking urban development global development | book |
13168 | Development and management of forest plantations: A guidebook 2010 edition | seed technology; seed quality; seed sources; seed collection; phenology; seed extraction; seed drying; storage; seed health testing; nursery establishment; plantation establishment; direct seeding; pests and diseases; marketing | book |
917 | Development and management of forest plantations: a guidebook | species site requirements seed technology nursery establishment seed storage planting stocks plantation management outplanting direct seeding | book |
13180 | Development and management of milkfish broodstock | milkfish; broodstock management; biology; growing; transport; spawning; egg collection; packing | Reyes, Ofelia S.; de Jesus-Ayson, Evelyn Grace T.; Eullaran, Bernardita E.; Corre, Valeriano L. Jr.; Ayson, Felix G. |
book | aquaculture extension manual no. 62 |