List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1312 Demographic aspects of the social forestry learning site: Pagkalinawan, Jalajala, Rizal. demography

Cabanilla, Daylinda B.

book occasional papers in social forestry no.7

2655 Dengue hemorrhagic fever: A social crisis?. Dengue hemorrhagic fever disease symptoms blood count treatment prevention vaccine

Chitsanu Pancharoen; Suda Yenbamroong; Usa Thisyakorn (eds.)


2171 Dependence of selected indigenous people on non-wood forest products and their sustainable practices : A case study. indigenous people non timber forest products Alangan Mangyans rattan livelihood Agta Dumagats anahaw wild orchids Batak-Tagbanuas honey almaciga resin income sustainable practices

Baja-Lapis, Aida


819 Descriptors for Brassica campestris L. root shape pests leaf margin seedling book

848 Descriptors for citrus Citrus stress susceptibility pests diseases biochemical composition cytological characters book

828 Descriptors for groundnut Groundnuts Classification Identification Documentation book

844 Descriptors for papaya Carica papaya alloenzyme pests diseases stress susceptibility cytological characters book

797 Descriptors for xanthosoma Xanthosoma fruit inflorescence cormels pests diseases book

829 Descriptors in eggplant collection stress susceptibility inflorescence fruit book

1270 Design and operation of farm irrigation systems. irrigation food production farm resources salinity drainage land shaping pumps hydraulics fluid dynamics sprinkler systems

Jensen, M.E. (ed.)
