List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2504 CPSC-ADBI Joint workshop on public information services for the poor, 17-23 November 2005, Kathmandu, Nepal. information services information and communication technology leadership participatory development e-community e-government e-teaching book

15727 Credit assistance program for migrant women in Jala-jala, Rizal, Philippines micro credit schemes; charcoal making; goat rising; duck raising; taro production; credit assistance; migrant women; fruit tree growing; Ahon sa Hirap; Grameen bank

Toquero, Zenaida F.; Ebron, Leonarda Z.; Baldos, Sergia C.


1294 Credit Assistance Program for Program Beneficiaries Development (CAP-PBD). loan availment farmers organization

Alip, Jaime Aristotle B.


3159 Credit surety fund : A credit innovation for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in the Philippines. Credit Surety Fund credit guarantee program Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

Maningo, Gary V.

book adbi working paper series no. 586

2076 Critical issues in Asian development: theories, experiences and policies economic conditions households income distribution rural credit agriculture sustainable development inequality gender land tenure land reform economic development trade poverty trade policy trade liberalization book

1622 CRMP in mid-stream : On course to a threshold of sustained coastal management in the Philippines. Special Mid-term report (1996-1999). Coastal resource management networks participatory coastal resource assessment local government book

2283 Crop insurance and agrochemical use in the Manasi Watershed, Xinjiang, China. crop insurance cotton growing cotton farmers agricultural chemicals agrochemicals natural disasters China

Funing Zhong; Manxiu Ning; Li Xing

book research report no. 2006-rr7

346 Crop insurance in Asia agricultural insurance insurance scheme crop insurance book

13879 Crop insurance program of PCIC: Integrative report from the five case regions in the Philippines crop insurance; poverty; risks and shocks in agriculture; agricultural insurance; Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation

Reyes, Celia M.; Agbon, Adrian D.; Mina, Christian D.; Arboneda, Arkin

book discussion paper series no. 2017-39

901 Crop loss assessment and pest management pest management crop protection pathogens insect pests data collection database yield economic thresholds surveys integrated pest control rice cotton cluster analysis

Teng, P.S. (ed.)
