List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13166 Community forestry-based climate change adaptation: a practitioner's brief climate change adaptation; forestry; vulnerability assessment; feasibility assessment; community forestry book

946 Community forestry: socio-economic aspects Sri Lanka Thailand Philippines Nepal Indonesia India social forestry human ecology employment rural development impact analysis cultural values policy

Rao, Y.S.; Vergara, N.T.; Lovelace, G.W. (eds.)


1902 Community legal and institutional studies. coastal resources management property rights laws policies community based programs SANRACA Philippines

Jacinto, E.R. Jr. (ed.)


13991 Community organizer's toolkit - Part 1: Community organizing primer community organizing; organic agriculture; sustainable agriculture; farm; farmers; toolkit book

13992 Community organizer's toolkit - Part 2: Worksheets organic family farm; toolkit book

364 Community planning distance learning approach data gathering distance learning farm planning community resources management Philippines

University of the Philippines Los Baños Agroforestry Program (UAP)


2391 Community property rights: Options and action points for Philippine municipal waters property rights property regimes laws gender community Philippines book

2689 Community watershed as a growth engine for development of dryland areas: A comprehensive assessment of watershed programs in India. watershed impact assessment

Wani, S.P.; Joshi, P.K.; Raju, K.V.; Sreedevi, T.K.; Wilson, M.J.; Shah, A.; Diwakar, P.G.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 47

15863 Community-based approach to sustainable stingless beekeeping in Sorsogon, Philippines community-based beekeeping; stingless bees; beekeeping; Sorsogon; Philippines

Jovillano-Mostoles, Maria Dulce

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2018-4

1749 Community-based fire management : Case studies from China, The Gambia, Honduras, India, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Turkey. Case studies from China, The Gambia, Honduras, India, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Turkey. fire management forest fires China Gambia Honduras India Lao PDR Turkey book