ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13166 | Community forestry-based climate change adaptation: a practitioner's brief | climate change adaptation; forestry; vulnerability assessment; feasibility assessment; community forestry | book |
946 | Community forestry: socio-economic aspects | Sri Lanka Thailand Philippines Nepal Indonesia India social forestry human ecology employment rural development impact analysis cultural values policy | Rao, Y.S.; Vergara, N.T.; Lovelace, G.W. (eds.) |
book |
1902 | Community legal and institutional studies. | coastal resources management property rights laws policies community based programs SANRACA Philippines | Jacinto, E.R. Jr. (ed.) |
book |
13991 | Community organizer's toolkit - Part 1: Community organizing primer | community organizing; organic agriculture; sustainable agriculture; farm; farmers; toolkit | book |
13992 | Community organizer's toolkit - Part 2: Worksheets | organic family farm; toolkit | book |
364 | Community planning distance learning approach | data gathering distance learning farm planning community resources management Philippines | University of the Philippines Los Baños Agroforestry Program (UAP) |
book |
2391 | Community property rights: Options and action points for Philippine municipal waters | property rights property regimes laws gender community Philippines | book |
2689 | Community watershed as a growth engine for development of dryland areas: A comprehensive assessment of watershed programs in India. | watershed impact assessment | Wani, S.P.; Joshi, P.K.; Raju, K.V.; Sreedevi, T.K.; Wilson, M.J.; Shah, A.; Diwakar, P.G. |
book | global theme on agroecosystems report no. 47 |
15863 | Community-based approach to sustainable stingless beekeeping in Sorsogon, Philippines | community-based beekeeping; stingless bees; beekeeping; Sorsogon; Philippines | Jovillano-Mostoles, Maria Dulce |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2018-4 |
1749 | Community-based fire management : Case studies from China, The Gambia, Honduras, India, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Turkey. | Case studies from China, The Gambia, Honduras, India, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Turkey. | fire management forest fires China Gambia Honduras India Lao PDR Turkey | book |