List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
626 Climate and food security food security agricultural research crops yields climatic variability food crops agricultural production climate modeling economic adjustments climate change water resources book

13867 Climate budgeting for local government - Training manual climate change; local government; agencies; investment; climate tagging; expenditure book

14122 Climate change 2014 - Impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability - Part A: Global and sectoral aspects human security; climate change; human rights; food prices; food insecurity; indigenous people; armed conflict; migration; displacement book

13100 Climate change adaptation among farm families and stakeholders - A toolkit for assessment and analysis climate change; greenhouse effect; climate change adaptation; assessments; climate change responsiveness; evaluation tools book

15574 Climate change adaptation in watersheds for water, food, and environmental security in Southeast Asia: Training report environmental security; climate change; watershed management; adaptation; water; food; APAN book

16345 Climate change adaptation through agroforestry in the Philippines climate change adaptation; agroforestry

Lasco, Rodel D.; Paelmo, Roselyn F.; Gabriel, Ana Veronica; Delfino, Rafaela Jane P.; Duque-Piñon, Caroline; Comia, Reynaldo A.


730 Climate change and rice. global climate change emission greenhouse gases utraviolet-B radiation carbon dioxide temperature simulation modeling rice global warming methane

Peng, S.; Ingram, K.T.; Neue, H.U.; Ziska, L.H. (eds.)


13654 Climate change evidence and causes: An overview from the Royal Society and the US National Academy of Sciences climate change; carbon dioxide; atmospheric temperature; greenhouse gases; frequency; floods; drought; hurricanes; tornadoes book

13664 Climate change operational framework 2017-2030: Enhanced actions for low greenhouse gas emission and climate-resilient development climate change; greenhouse gas emissions; adaptation; disaster risk management; sustainable development; climate technologies book

3158 Climate Change Research and Development and Extension (RDE) Agenda and Program for Agriculture and Fisheries 2016-2022. climate change livestock poultry crops fisheries aquaculture book