List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
688 Cereal processing : Food Cycle Technology Source Book no.3 Food Cycle Technology Source Book no.3 Cereals, processing, postharvest technology, book

238 Cereal Seed Industry in Asia and the Pacific marketing distribution pricing cereal seeds seed industry farm inputs seed technology Asia book

2710 Chainsaw milling: supplier to local markets. chainsaw milling timber demand financial analysis logging bamboo forest REDD+ supply chain poverty reduction

Wit, Marieke; van Dam, Jinke (eds.)


1492 Challenges for Asia's trade and environment trade environmental policies property rights trade liberalization trade policy product standards ecolabeling World Trade Organization

Brooks, Douglas H.

book adb economic staff paper no.57

15751 Challenges on sustainable agriculture and natural resource management in Vietnam uplands: A case study land use change; soil erosion; agriculture; forest; extension; women; rural development; natural resources book

15628 Championing inclusive and sustainable agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia: SEARCA’s 10th Five Year Plan plus one in retrospect ISARD; 10th FYP book

2224 Change: Adaptation of water resources management to climate change. climate change water management adaptation social capital social learning

Bergkamp, Ger; Orlando, Brett; Burton, Ian


2590 Changes in China's energy intensity: Origins and implications for long-term carbon emissions and climate policies. energy carbon emissions climate policies decomposition analysis environmental policy analysis coal crude petroleum gas

Cao, Jing; Ho, Mun S.

book eepsea research report no. 2010-rr12

3122 Changes in rice farming in the Philippines: Insights from five decades of a household-level survey. Central Luzon loop survey farm characteristics rice productivity trends crop management changes input use changes labor use varietal adoption profitability analysis

Moya, Piedad; Kajisa,Kei; Barker, Randolph; Mohanty, Samarendu; Gascon, Fe; San Valentin, Mary Rose


521 Changing agriculture: An introduction to systems thinking agriculture changes farm situations

Wilson, Jim
