List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1422 Biology and management of rice insects Oryza sativa pest insects rice integrated pest management biology brown planthopper taxonomy arthropods pest resistance predators parasitoids pathogens insecticides

Heinrichs, E.A. (ed.)


623 Biology and management of the floodwater ecosystem in ricefields ricefield ecosystem floodwater management aquatic biomass fauna floodwater ecology agronomic management cyanobacteria azolla herbicides

Roger, Pierre A.


1047 Biology and mariculture of giant clams : A workshop held in conjunction with the 7th International Coraf Reef Symposium, June 21-26, 1992, Guam, USA giant clams ammonia excretion heavy metals predators nutrition Tridacna gigas Tridacna maxima

Fitt, William K. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no.47

2980 Biomass utilization in tropical Asia: Past, present and future : Transforming lives and landscapes with trees. Acacia mangium Tectona grandis oil palm empty fruit bunches lignocellulose-based composites binderless patricleboard engineered wood wood properties book

2812 Biomass: Sustainable natural resource and innovation for a greener future : Proceedings of 4th USM-JIRCAS Joint International Symposium, 18-20th January 2011, Penang, Malaysia. energy resources biocomposites lignocellolose biopolymers polyurethane particleboard solvolysis liquefaction kenaf lignin phytoremediation

Tomoko, Sugimoto; Leh Cheu Peng (eds.)

book jircas working report no. 73

14554 Bioprocess engineering: Systems, equipment and facilities biochemical engineering; process systems; system components; support systems; facility design book

648 Biosalinity in action: Bioproduction with saline water salt tolerance algae saline water macroalgae crop production mariculture seawater agriculture

Pasternak, D.; San Peitro, A. (eds.)

book developments in plant and soil sciences, volume 17

1394 Biotechnology and biosafety : Proceedings of an associated event of the fifth annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development. Proceedings of an associated event of the fifth annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development. biotechnology health risk assessment biotechnology biosafety genetically modified organisms transgenic crops

Serageldin, I.; Collins, W. (eds.)


499 Biotechnology and its implications for ACIAR China Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam biotechnology policy issues capacity building training

Vimala Sarma

book aciar technical reports 35

1856 Biotechnology and the potato : Applications for the developing world. Applications for the developing world. potato genetic engineering late blight direct gene transfer virus diseases insect pests biodiversity biosafety intellectual property rights biotechnology

Ghislain, M.; Querci, M.; Bonierbale, M.; Golmirzaie, A.; Nelson, R.
